Amsterdam's latest activity

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  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam reacted to Gerard's post in the thread Sold Aprillia Tuareg 660 with Like Like.
    Want to need
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam reacted to Noneking's post in the thread Sold Aprillia Tuareg 660 with Haha Haha.
    Need? Which planet are you from JL? It’s never about need…always about want..😈
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam replied to the thread Sold Aprillia Tuareg 660.
    This video certainly makes it sound like a fantastic bike. Luckily I don't need another one now.
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam reacted to Vaufi's post in the thread Stunning!! with Like Like.
    47. A youngster more or less :LOL: The friend was 52. He sukkeld a bit, because he was too lazy to do proper training before the trip...
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam replied to the thread BUT I AM YOUR CLIENT !.
    Just read this on Facebook: CLIENT – How much will it cost to do this job? CONTRACTOR - $2,800 dollars. CLIENT – That’s too expensive...
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam reacted to Dux's post in the thread Ag Pleez Man Dux with Like Like.
    I will be very honest , the last year hasn't been good , a lot of things have happened , some beyond my control , but communication with...
  • Amsterdam
    Amsterdam replied to the thread Pan-Africa bikes.
    I did the very same trip with my son 10 years ago on XR650Ls. No need to spend a lot of money on modifications. A 23 liter Acerbic tank...