Recent content by dw1

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  1. dw1

    Birds of South Africa

    Orange breasted Sunbird
  2. dw1

    Calitzdorp area overight

    @dustlover Glad you liked it.
  3. dw1

    Birds of South Africa

    Cape Sugerbird.
  4. dw1

    My kleinboet took a tumble in Lesotho.

    Hope you bro has a speedy recovery. Luckily there are more good people than bad people around... the bad ones just make the most noise.
  5. dw1

    Photo of the day

    Aloes in flower again. Exceptional this year because of all the rain.
  6. dw1

    Photo of the day

    Lunch - hope I survive....:oops:
  7. dw1

    What makes a good farm bike?

    Best farm bike .............. this one
  8. dw1

    Birds of South Africa

    And so does Bees. The Quiver tree in our garden are just buzzing with birds and bees.
  9. dw1

    Birds of South Africa

    Jangroentjie just loves Quiver tree flowers
  10. dw1


    these old ladies are just so classic. Beautiful specimen.
  11. dw1

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    It drove the roller plates of the Tin works originally. Now it is an electricity generation unit - it drives a generator that was installed in 1991
  12. dw1

    Lekke fake video....

    2SD already ordered one.
  13. dw1

    Career and life advice .

    Gaan net 10% van winkels toemaak. Ook 4 Biljoen regte uitgif doen - om van julle skuldlas te probeer verlig.
  14. dw1

    Snake Photos

    Friend called yesterday - snake seen on their property by builders working on the cottage being renovated. Found this beautiful Cape Cobra hiding in a gabion brick. Removed and relocated in the veld.
  15. dw1

    Wilde lewe in jou tuin

    Beautiful Leopard tortoise. Spotted behind our house on his way to our irrigation dam,