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  1. mox

    Where my biking started - race rep 400's - the GSXR and a shed ... now VFR

    I doubt it would work on the heavier pitted areas without agitation and probably some scrubbing to assist in the removal of the rust . Regardless those areas will always be prone to future rust so maybe try get the cancer out of those pitted areas.
  2. mox

    Where to buy Italian decals for a motorcycle

    Could use it on the tank...
  3. mox

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    In a way you are correct but working with big corporations there is a political way you have to navigate things. We manufactured automotive components and yes it was strategic that both my father and I drove vehicles for companies that we supplied to. Well, us being preferred suppliers to many...
  4. mox

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Vent Tom, it is allowed and this may just be the platform to allow you to do that. As you know, we have never met but I have gained much respect for you with this story of life that you share with us. You are a man of integrity and work ethic second to none. You are also one hell of a good...
  5. mox

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    No no I saw shit in Thailand that made me run home, fortunately I absconded. Being a pleasure dongle to a Latin is a natural way it should be. Un less you piss them off then your dongle gets nothing.
  6. mox

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    You'll have to be the pleasure dongle then.
  7. mox

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    Good that you were tossing, a 30kg ball bag can be dangerous, best you visit Thailand on a regular basis. Oh wait, I am not high but had a few beers with a proper braai. Enjoy the pills.
  8. mox

    Re: Captain Zef's in Michigan USA

    Whether you are or you are not, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, even by the slightest. Pick something like just engaging with a stranger once, then build on that and try hold the convo more than a howdy. Small steps. You will be surprised. It took me ages to wrap my head around...
  9. mox

    MotoGP 2024

  10. mox

    Just bike sounds

    Ring ting ting ting braaam braaaaam ring ting ting :love:
  11. mox

    MotoGP 2024

    Rossi was the Alien father, still part of the hard boys but not from this earth, the rest are aliens and the super aliens are on there way.
  12. mox

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Jy het n klein piel Mnr, lekker dag.
  13. mox

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    (y)Cool phodie :D I have used TENS at home for year for muscular injuries, it works. It is not a miracle machine but certainly can give comfort and aid recovery. I do use it for my back to relax the area but it will not relieve my pain entirely as my issue is mechanical in nature that is...
  14. mox

    MotoGP 2024

    Miller Airlines :cool:
  15. mox

    The Husqvarna Svartpilen 801

    That looks like fun.
  16. mox

    Drusky's G/S ZA Special

    Oh dear
  17. mox

    How many of You commute?

    Had a tjor that was mostly in the garage and used the sport bike for commute and in and out the office daily for a good number of years. Things changed with work and need the tjor in and out during the day. Transporting goods. Commute to the office won't even warm up the engine on a bike so...
  18. mox

    MotoGP 2024

    Renewed now, no problem
  19. mox

    Products that work !

    You could say that or for longevity in the fun moments.
  20. mox

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Happy travels and have a fantastic season.