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  1. Ri

    Snake Photos

    Ah but you don't know... A tracker would've been cool. Put an iBeacon down the next one's throat before you release it 😆
  2. Ri

    Daar is iets in die eenvoud van 'n klein fiets op 'n grondpad

    My backpack with bladder, empty or full, goes in the cool dark cupboard. Before a ride I top it up. I may rinse if I added cool drink to the water on the previous ride. Nothing like silicon-aged water on a long ride 😎🤪
  3. Ri


    Hey and welcome. Have fun 👍
  4. Ri

    Daar is iets in die eenvoud van 'n klein fiets op 'n grondpad

    ...not even 🤣🤣🤣 The bladder is a vacuum inside a bag inside a cool, dark cupboard. No sunlight or oxygen for fungal growth. Only time the water tastes of borehole water is if it came out a borehole, lol. And nothing can rinse out the taste of disinfectant 🥴
  5. Ri

    Daar is iets in die eenvoud van 'n klein fiets op 'n grondpad

    ... 😳... we're supposed to disinfect those?
  6. Ri

    Snake Photos

    Are you sure it's not the same puffy also? 😁 Lovely 😍
  7. Ri

    A wild robot suddenly appeared...

    Welcome @Rabid_Robot, sniff around, make yourself at home, and ignore @2StrokeDan, he's just jealous coz he can't ride. He clutched the throttle too hard and now he is in injury time 😁
  8. Ri

    The DR650 thread

    It's advisable to do both chain and sprockets at the same time. They come in a set anyway, might as well use all of it.
  9. Ri

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    It's a nice offer, but my bike has a brand new knobbly on the front. I don't plan to waste any of it on tar more than I can help, and especially not at speed. I took a few days extra leave to crawl around the area at my own pace - DV it will not go unexperienced.
  10. Ri

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Edit: removed coz wrong quote 0.o
  11. Ri

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

  12. Ri

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Ek reken 'n groter uitdaging sal wees 'n ou polisieknuppel of 'n slingertou met gewigte aan. Lê hom voor en gooi na sy bene terwyl hy verby hardloop. Want jy durf nie mis gooi nie...😁
  13. Ri

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Sou 'n paar jonger kuikens nie makliker gewees het om mee te werk nie? Het hulle darem die afgelope koue weer oorleef? 'n Boer naby my swaer in die Karoo maak volstruiskuikens groot met redelike sukses. Ek het ook gehoor hulle is erg pieperig - hulle dooi as mense net skerp na hulle kyk.
  14. Ri

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Ons groep het eenkeer op 'n plaas naby Vanrhynsdorp deur 'n volstruiskamp gery. Die mannetjie het niks daarvan gehou nie en het een biker amper van sy motorfiets afgestamp. Ons moes maar suutjies daardeur sluip terwyl die boer die volstruis se aandag probeer trek het 😄
  15. Ri

    For Sale Various Riding Accessories

    Hi, what is there to listen to the early morning tunes with? I don't see anything on the leftover list 🧐
  16. Ri

    Old new Member from Aberdeen in the Karoo

    Welkom (terug) Jurgens. Ek en my DR650 het jare terug onbepland een aand in Aberdeen by 'n pragtige kampeerplek in die dorp oorgeslaap. Die eienaar het die oulikste klein hondjie gehad, en 'n GS, en was op pad na die Tuinroete vir werk. Hulle het die vorige aand 'n groot verjaardag gevier, en...
  17. Ri

    Why is no one talking about the new Suzuki V-strom 800DE?

    I've seen one at Tygerberg Honda...and I few around town 😄
  18. Ri

    Pillion on F800GSA

    I read comments elsewhere on the forum of pillions staying seated while the pilots stand. Is it necessary for your wife to stand with you? Can't she stay seated? Can't you stay seated? (sorry, can't resist :ROFLMAO:) Hard panniers might also make her life easier. They provide support behind...
  19. Ri

    New member -- Long time lurker

    Nice! I know a guy who has a fleet of either those or Jettas, he participates in some rally with them. Voetstoots? Put Foot? Something like that.