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  1. AntVan

    Drive shaft recall

    Probably not. The shaft is longer, angle is more relaxed. Combined leading to less stress. More better.
  2. AntVan

    Replacement Battery for my Navigator V GPS

    I do not know where you are from but the Garmin shops are almost everywhere. The BMW navigator is a rebranded Garmin.
  3. AntVan

    Resurrecting Hildr

    (6) Do not get distracted while fastening screws. Thursday evening while at Sandton Motorrad for an event Arno pointed out that my engine guard was loose. I had a bent screw, got it halfway in and decided I'll replace it after the holiday. Guess what happened.
  4. AntVan

    Resurrecting Hildr

    There. The beak protector eventually arrived and after the holiday i had time to install it. Took a bit of effort but I got the holes to align.
  5. AntVan

    CE Armour Pads useless???

    This was a pretty decent analysis of the state of protection, without the clickbait from a vendor.
  6. AntVan

    CE Armour Pads useless???

    While true that if you really go down hard the padding won't stop your bones from shattering, it is also true that for softer offs (which seems to be my most common accident) the impact is reduced. What Ryan (and others) misses is that not everything in life is binary. It would have been moerse...
  7. AntVan

    Bike Insurance

    Right. So after my little mishap this is my story: I stripped my m03r for PPS mostly due to the fact that one of their employees tried move my bike without my permission, in fact against my instructions. Until you've paid me out, I own the bike. Not yours to move. This to me seemed extremely off...
  8. AntVan

    So - about that funny engine noise in my X-Challenge....

    That is hilarious. I am almost 100% sure there is a horse I do not know about somewhere. I would not know, as long as they look more or less the same I cannot tell them apart in any case.
  9. AntVan

    Metalworking, machining and welding DIY

    I made a coal rack from square bar to facilitate better airflow. It worked for that but jissie I had to chop it into very small pieces to be able to handle it. I never experienced lots of bending of the metal, it bent me though in places I didn't know I could bend and realised afterwards I...
  10. AntVan

    BMW GSA1250 Balance

    is this a new bike or secondhand? There is no way a bike can be balanced. There is a balancing shaft in the engine to stop it from rolling when you change throttle inputs. But that is not an adjustable thing, except if the balancing shaft is way out of spec and that should have been set at...
  11. AntVan

    Anyone interested in a project?

  12. AntVan

    Wilddogs on ARR Podcast

    The link is correct in the how notes.
  13. AntVan

    Wilddogs on ARR Podcast

    I came here to say this. But they got two things wrong. Firstly the website and secondly they said we were a friendly bunch.
  14. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    I've just completed a course. I will go ask my money back.
  15. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    If you are handy the "Go Fix Yourself" option seems like a good idea. What did you do with the remaining R20k? I used the excess funds to buy tools to execute the repair, paint the other panels to the same original colour, and new boots to avoid injuries
  16. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    Wel it works out to 10.3 m/s and that is about 1 G, or Gravity, but in the wrong direction. So yes I am glad I did not take pictures as well of the injuries.
  17. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    Understandable yes. I mean I could use any old scrappy part and claim to fix it and then a month later claim again. I saved all the invoices for the original parts though if queries arise later. But I will now throw away all the old parts.
  18. AntVan

    How many of You commute?

    I commute when I do not need to drop the little monkey off at school or pick her up. I have only about 4km to work but take the time every day, boots (what I consider light motorcycle boots), full gear which includes riding pants and jacket and neck brace, and then if I have to dress up I take...
  19. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    I agree spares are available. In this case, however, the difference in price was not enough for me to shoot for second hand. I found the agents very accommodating. If you are interested in pictures of the damage and repair, and having a laugh at my stupid mistakes, you can read all about it...
  20. AntVan

    Insurance after a mishap

    This is the thing that got me. No one wanted to commit to anything until they saw the bike. They won't tell you this beforehand.