6 day - Oukaapies na Augrabies (NorthCape)

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Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
KTM 640 Adventure
Not gonna make it a long story.

Route: Ceres, Southerland, Verneukpan, Kenhart, Kakamas,Augrabies,Pofader, Klein Pella (along the Orange River), Aggeneys, Gamoep, Kamasies, Garies, Doringbaai

Da boys: Kia (KLR - aka Rooistof) first long trip
               Frohan (640 - no pet name) done Cape To Egypt 1994
              Ian (XR600 - ) First day only
               Yours truly (640 - Fidel) taking Ratatuoille places hes never been before

Da mission: See new places, enjoy nature, meet peeps, have a joll, stay on dirt roads (right way up)

Day1 : Out from Ceres to Southerland via the Tankwa Karoo and Ouberg Pass. Beauty! Even time for blikkies kos and biltong lunchion along the way.



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Master chef at work, with bag on head for hygene reasons?


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You can feel that the GROOTBAAS left the aircon on when you hit the top of Ouberg Pass (Southerland plateu). The temp drops 5-10 deg instantly as you crest.

We decided to treat ourselves to a comfy bed and a sleep over at Southerland Hotel.

Not a moer of a lot going on in Southerland, so off to the Bar.

The only highlight was the glass of water i received in my face after calling the middle aged lady behind the bar 'TANIE'. Just trying to be a polite Italiaaner amongs the plateland brothers, just cant frikken win.

DAY 2 - Southerland to Verneukpan

There are a moer of a lot of gates to open and close on the way to and from Verneukpan, but well worth it when you get there. I counted at least 15.


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Flat and barron is an understantement. You can see for k's and k's around you. Awesome experience of space, and freedom. So much so that rear wheel sports and top end runs where unstoppable.

Sadly, we heard that a new farmer had just taken over the property and they where gonna close the Campbell track, as well as rip and plant the pan!

Go while you can, fellow DAWGS. Its a must see.
We contemplated sleeping over on the pan, but you need to arrive prepared, as there is no soft grass or wood, boggerall. Ideally one should be joined by a vehicle carrying the neccessary.

Then, camping under the open, star filled, crisp skies of the pan would be stunning.

Frohan even had visions of getting maried in this beautifull place, so inspiring is this place!

Anyway, we headed to Kenhart to visit my old china Eethan. I knew he would have a place for us and and that we would be well received. He is a true biker at heart.


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Nice one Moena! Just watch those gay tendancies.....it shows ;D ;D ;D

If you want to experience the process of being truly well received at any time or circumstance, go visit my man Eethan at Kenhardt Hotel.

We arrived on Sunday afternoon and before short, the games begun. a Doppie, n vuurtjie, choppie, keiertjie and even the bike in the bar antics! The face paint, i still cant remember.

He showed us his newest acquisition, a old CD50. 'Im gonna mount this one in the bar' he said. Cool.

What time did it end? ....well by 3 am Monday, we where contemplating whether or not we should stay up for the arrival of the Monday breakfast runners from Upington! Thank fok we decide to bail.

DAY 3 - to Kakamas and Augrabies Falls Park

Even though the water level was very low, it was still impressive to see the forces of nature at work. Cutting and carving away at the solid stone in the canyon. The millions of years of erosion where confirmed by the many potholes, crevices and silhouettes on display. Stunning stuff.

Here we camped with the sound of the thundering waterfall in the background.



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Wie se rot is dit daai?

daais my laaitjie se rot........ and its Mr Rot. ;)

Sy ooe het al n klomp keer moer groot oopgemaak agter op die bike.
fixit said:
Nice one Moena! Just watch those gay tendancies.....it shows ;D ;D ;D

The only 'Gay Feelings' were the sore arses after climbing of the skatoots. :)
from here it was westwards. We stopped at Blouputs, another crossing pint over the river, just to investigate.

Then more dirt roads to Pofader. These became quite sandy at places, lekker. I think even all the Puffadders have left Pofader, cause theres not much movement there.

We stocked up with meat and blikkies kos and went to speak to some Attorney oke in the town that knows the area. This nutty dude showed us the general route and an parted with and interesting piece of advice.

'As julle verloore raak en by n heining kom, ry oor die donderse ding! Julle kanie verloore raak nie'. I asked him if this was his legal advice for the day? he just grinned.

From there we rode to Klein Pella, a large farm with serious Date plantations. Believed to be of the biggest in the world?


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fixit said:
Nice one Moena! Just watch those gay tendancies.....it shows ;D ;D ;D


Shhwweeet trippie guy....we`ll have to start a facebook profile for rottie one of these days, knock Vernon off his stand.  ;D.
We found out, through Frohans parents, that there is a place to camp right on the river bank!

To get there we worked our way through the plantations and across a gorge in the mountain. Beaut. :)

Very remote spot with no facilities. The farmer explained to us how to get there and upon arrival at the site, there where already two campers. One couple from Strand and one mad mother Garman named Heinz. We where immediately received with cold beers and gestures of help.

Its lekker being a biker, people always receive us well. What a schweet spot! We unpacked and hit the river.

That night, we where entertained by Hans and his stories. Jirre he can talk, but damn funny. :D



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did i crash here. Man o man, slept like a hibernating squirrel.

This was the end of day 4.

DAY 5 - southwards, all the way to Dooringbaai (via some interesting little places)

Wakeing up in this environment was refreshing. Once i wiped me eyes clear, i could see a little bit of mist pulling off the water surface, no sun yet, a few birds chirping and monkey chattering in the distant backround. Eish.......RSA is darrem fooken mooi.

Well, load bonies and head southwards. Long pull - 500 plus km and approx 10hrs on the move.


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dustsucker said:
fixit said:
Nice one Moena! Just watch those gay tendancies.....it shows ;D ;D ;D


Shhwweeet trippie guy....we`ll have to start a facebook profile for rottie one of these days, knock Vernon off his stand.  ;D.

Stru......maybe I'm just a bit jealous :-[

like the new avvie ;D is that a blond or brun?
....was just as jealous cause i had to stay home and entertain da family....so rottie`s identical couz and i formed a support group and raided Fidel`s garage fridge and finished a brune or two....njammies. :eek:
Kenhardt hotel, agreed - one of the best overnight spots I have been to. 

Great ride, amazing how "different" SA can be!  Thanks for showing us
What a great ride in a great country. If someone had shown me that pic of the date palms and asked me to guess the country, SA would have been last on my list.
Thanks for sharing the pics and the story.

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