It all started at Toorwater…

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Bachelor Dog
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Honda TransAlp XL700V
I was in the mood for a ride. Not a planned ride, just a ride. A “Roam Free” ride. I pitched the idea to some friends and three of them bit! ;D It would be Rovrat from Hermanus, Bakkie and amaSakkie from PE and myself from George. The group was perfect - big enough and yet small enough. We had a nice mix of bikes too!


I like mixed rides like these.

We’d meet on Friday evening at the mythical Toorwater, a place I’ve wanted to see for a while now. Where to from there? Who knows. The only instructions were (1) bring a tent, (2) bring money, (3) make sure you can be self sufficient.

Would it be the start of an adventure of note?
Well... there were laughter (lots), danger (even some lewensgevaarlike situations
), more laughter, singing
more laughter, eating (lots!), drinking (only a sip here and there
) police
, dancing
lots of pics, some video and in the end more laughter.

But lets start at the very beginning…

Day 1 pending.
:eek7: bliksem

TR please just remember that there is an un-written rule of "what happens on a ride, stays on a ride".

This is going to be a good one... I can feel it in my bones  :thumleft:
Was waiting for this one..........ek hoor een van julle het tot 'n steek op getel ;D
Nee man fokkit !!! Nou hou jy ons weer in suspense !!! Have a heart boet !! ;)
EtienneNXR said:
Was waiting for this one..........ek hoor een van julle het tot 'n steek op getel ;D

'n lewensgevaarlike steek!!!!
“Roam Free” rides have no plan, no route. You go where the wind blows you. I did have a look at some maps though. There is a myriad of places you can ride to from Toorwater. I expected us to ride North ‘cause we’ve all been to the other places that lay to the South. Gamkapoort Dam from the Prince Albert side, Rammelkop Pass, Gannaga Pass, Verneukpan, Orania, Katberg Pass, the world would be our oyster. We’d have to ride quite some distance to some of these places, but hey, we’re self sufficient. When it gets dark we’ll just pitch our tents next to the road for the night.

I had a sense of expectation. It’s been a while since I’ve been this excited about an upcoming ride. The big boy was packed, ready and waiting:


My route to the rendezvous point:

(Clickable map - click & zoom)

The other guys also had interresting routes to Toorwater. Hopefully they'll ad their rides there after this post.

Like so many of my rides this one started with a ride over Montagu Pass. It's such a perfect start to any ride. I decided on a photo at "Moertjiesklip" rather than Amanda's Grave for this report.


...but how can you not take a pic at Amanda's Grave on a day like this?


I wonder how many times I have photographed this spot?

Paarde Poort and the road to Dysselsdorp past the Kammanassie Dam followed.


Paw x Paw


The Klein Karoo got some rain and it's green all over.


From De Rust I headed East on the farm roads all along the Swartberg mountains. Thanks for the tip Fat b it sure was worth it!

Along these roads I spotted this feather palace:


"Feather Palaces" were famously opulent dwellings rich ostrich farmers built during the 2nd Ostrich Boom. This particular house was close to this railway sideline. Photos like these sort of became a theme over the weekend.


Riding along I noticed a lot of bee hives along the way. Literally hundreds. I am allergic to bee stings so I was hoping I wouldn't be stung while riding around here alone.
Then I felt something on by back. Not a sting, more like an irritation... My mind must be playing tricks.

Some more scenery - this is looking South towards the Kammanassie mountain range:


I once again felt an irritation on my back, but at a different spot.
Damn this paranoia!

Before long the Toorwater turnoff


In this area the Olifantsrivier suddenly changes course to run North through Toorwaterpoort. In this poort (gorge) it's name changes to the Traka river (more about the actual Poort tomorrow). Close to the Poort there is a hot water spring (45°C) and it is the water from this spring (loaded with Iron oxide) that gave the walls of the gorge its red colour.

The name Toorwater (meaning "enchanted water") originated from a phenomenon witnessed at the spring. Apparently natural gas escape from the spring from time to time. In favourable circumstances these gasses can spontaneously ignite, causing many an unsuspecting traveller to have the fright fright of his life!

I can only imagine what someone who saw such an occurrence thought - a fiery figure suddenly appearing and disappearing into nothing...
Helluva funny (if it happens to someone else)

As luck would have it we'd be staying on the farm where the hot water spring is located. Right next to it actually!

Approaching our spot for the night:


Looking back over the campsite from the main building:


I picked a spot and started pitching my tent when I felt something funny in the front of my shirt. I felt what it was and pulled out a dead bee!
Very close call!


I looked around for about 15 minutes and then I heard the unmistakable sound of two thumpers approaching. Bakkie and Sakkie
Has a nice ring to it
Rovrat arrived soon after and the party began in all earnest.
There are no pictures of this part, or rather, I don't have any

This spot is very rustic. There's a braai and a toilet (you have to carry the water to flush it yourself) so you pretty much have to bring everything. Just the way we like it! It's an amazing spot and I highly recommend it. Call Irma on 072 318 1412 to book.
Thanks again for the heads-up fat b

Tomorrow the fun starts!  :mwink:
I met amasakkie Friday morning at the filling station. In the true spirit of "Roam Free" we changed our minds 3 times......

We took the R102 all the way past Humansdorp and then up the mountain to a tower.... it was awesome!

We then did Bloukrans Pass

And Grootrivier Pass

From there we hit Knysna and did Kom se Pad and Prince Alfred Pass with the compulsory beer stop at Angie’s G-Spot! I must say that I was very disappointed when I noticed they graded parts of Kom-se-Pad and that the grader even took out parts of the bush for U Turns etc.


After a quick beer at the G-Spot we made a quick stop in Avontuur to meet Kielie. He works in Avontuur and stays in Uniondale. From Avontuur we went to Uniondale for meat and dop!

Next stop was Toorwater!
We arrived about 30min or so before RovRat got the fire started filled our glasses and had some grown-up conversations.......


Check the swimming pool on the stoep it’s filled with 45deg hot water all the time.... TR did the dishes in it.....

We even discussed RovRat’s lewens gevaarlike GS and admired his “mirrored GS glow in the dark fork protection stickers”

yes yes ouens
where's the rest of the pics??
was great to meet you characters.
jxharding said:
yes yes ouens
where's the rest of the pics??
was great to meet you characters.

jxharding????? aka mohair?

howzit! jinne ek het n lekker pic van julle en julle mix  >:D
Day 2 will be up by tonight.
[/quote]What time meneer ?? I will be waiting in front of my PC  :lamer:
And there I was on 'n Thursday afternoon - all depressed cause I had no ride planned and a long weekend ahead.
No how did I get into this situation?  ???  :-\

Then a post on the forum about a train station attracted my attention...
Within minutes Bakkies (aka Paljas) contacted me, and emmediatly Friday was cancelled completely (For work that is!)
That night everthing was quickly packed with excitement and antisipation...  Hopeing not to forget anything as we had to be completely self reliant.

Friday morning I joined up with Bakkie for what turned out to be an awsome ride for the day!   :biggrin:
We were in the saddle from 9am to 4:30pm.

The pic below is the mandatory "Bike in Photo" pick for RovRat .   :imaposer:


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