WD Sunday Reportback

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Race Dog
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
Western Cape - Somerset West
Ok, the "challenge"came from GoosePilot to invite other WDS to ride along on my next trip. A challenge is not something that I can ever let go without at least giving it my best shot... so I did exactly that... post an invite for a ride this morning. Planned the route after a few of the guys at Kriges indicated that if you organise, you better have a plan.

Without further ado, I only took very few piccies. There were more guys taking pics, so please guys please add yours to this thread. I only afterwards realised that my piccies actually spell a wait report rather than a ride report, but I will post them anyway and the rest of the guys can chip in the ride parts.

Woke up this morning with the wind quite strong, but the sky clear. Wind-clouds rolling over the Helderberg mountains.


Got to the Shell nice and early, put in petrol, checked the tyres, got meself a nice warm cup of coffee, friendly "good morning" to the speedcop that popped into the shop and waited for the rest of the gang to arrive. I did not have to wait long, before the guys started rolling in... and in... and in... In the end we were 15 dogs at the Shell.


We went over to Grabouw, where Growweblaar joined us...


Over the mountain towards Villiersdorp and met up with Rooipoot... who was our tour guide from there, since he is a local resident in that area. Got onto the gravel en route to Botrivier. At this junction, I waited to let the other riders through and (after Eisbein went through) decided to photograph the next rider that came through. Well, I did not realise that I was actually last at that stage. After waiting for a while, I got going again, to find Eisbein has turned around to see whether I was OK... Thanx Eisbein and great to see the WD spirit in action.


Got to Botrivier and here the trip deviated from my original plan, with a friendly farmer allowed us to go through his farm... This the wait in Botrivier.


This is where the real ride report should start, but I will write a few lines and let the rest of the guys contribute.

Got to the farm after a short ride on the N2. through a few farm gates and then... low and behold... whilst I asked for nothing technical, since this was my first real ride off the main roads, we got to a steepish uphill with LOTS of loose fist size stones. It was real slippery... for me anyway. Halfway up, the rider in front of me went down. With the road not very wide and me being on the edge as well, I had to stop... which I managed to do successfully. Not 20 meters further anoth rider went down... I was still parked in themiddel of the road. A few of the Dogs came through and parked at the top of the hill and walked down to assist the other dogs. First two bikes got up and with some help pushing and with plenty of spinning and flying stones, got out of the way. I tried a few times, but just could not get away... the rear wheel dug in spinning and I had to got back out of the hole spun... after about the fifth or sixth attempt, the back wheel spun out and I also went down... fortunately from standstill... No damage or injuries, but dented ego. Got the bike up with some help from a few old hands and with a push to get away again, made it up the rest of the hill... with held breath and new holes in my undies... could have made washers if I had a pipe up my arse. I am aare of at least one other rider that also went down behind me. The fact that I was not the only one taking a lie-down, was some consolation... not that I wish anybody else to ever go down.

From there no further incidents. From there the group split into guys going for breakfast/lunch in Greyton, but I had to get home, since I planned to be back around noon. Franschhoek pass is in great conditiona dn really beautifull. There are millions of bikers in Franschhoek. Helshoogte pass was fast and then it was normal traffic back home.

I had a wonderfull day as my first riding with other wild dogs. Just want to say thank you to everyone that helped me get up and off again. Thanx guys, the WD spirit is great and strong.

OK, other WDs that were there and took some piccies, please add your version of the day.

Nou is die ys gebreek en sal ek graag gereeld wil saamry. Ek onderneem om so een maal per maand 'n trippie te reel as daar nie iets aan is nie.
Boertjie, they let you off lightly there in the Cape.  In Gauteng they first run for cameras, take a million pics and then help you up.    ;D ;D ;D

Well done on your first run.  I did my first one with Grootseun, Blouvark, D7 and Stephan.  I was absolutely shitting myself for hours.  When I got home I passed out on the couch for 3 hours without moving.

I am going to be in the Cape early next year for about a month for work.  I will realy like to ride with you guys because my experience of the Cape so far is rushing from the airport to work to the hotel.
Hey thanks a stack guys a real blast  ;D
rooipoot that was really a fun detour you took us on thanks again i have a few pics
i will post in the morning ,from Gryton we did dirt to the bridge where we started all uneventful but for a puncture , Valli one of the guys with a very sleepy 1200 that also had a lie down on the hill with boertjie's bike got a huge big nail in his tyre
very quickly sorted out amazing the assortment of inflating equipment to be found
when a few Dawgs get together
very good mornings riding  O0
Boertjie said:
Andy(XT660R) & Trevor(TOPBOX)  talking KARK again.


Glad to see you are back in action again. How is the new engine going.

Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Nice to the 15 CT WLD going out for a ride.
14 van julle is lekker in die kark by my!

Eisbein het besluit dis lekkerder om die Uilnes te besoek as om die Greyton brekkie ding te doen!

Thanx Eisbein for the pleasant surprise of a visit, I really appreciate it!

And guys and gals.....I made him play my electric guitar....WHEW!  What an artist!  From rock, I mean ROCK, to rustige music, this man has talent!  Thanx for the show, it was BRILLIANT!

Please come back for more!
Thanks Guys for a wonderful ride, it was so good to ride with other WD after always riding alone for the last 20 weeks.

Heres some snaps just after all fall down ridge.... ;D

Thanks again for a good day out

True Eisbein style....most are sukkeling and paddling....Eisbein goois a Howzit!
Uiltjie said:
True Eisbein style....most are sukkeling and paddling....Eisbein goois a Howzit!

He has a built in 'diff-lock'..... ;D ;D
Cool report guys, looks like the Cape is the only place with lekker weather at the moment.
Thanks for organising it, I learnt some new great roads to ride, put some faces to the forum crowd and had a great time.

Paul, the engine is strong, I took it easy...ish as I was running it in.

Just something I noticed for those of you who didn't really enjoy the looser stuff.

Riding with your feet out as stabilisers is far harder than with your feet on the pegs. Although it feels safer it reduces your control points and makes it markedly more difficult.

Thanks all and the weather for playing along too.
Hi guys! I'm sitting outside the new job waiting for hr, so this is from the cellphone-a 1st for me...  Just want to say thanks for the day! it was a lekker day. Sorry missing out on the breakfast, but i was still fighting the previous night's supper and i thought 30 k's to visit the uilnes was'nt that bad. Besides, i wanted to stretch my riding day... Awesome route, rooipoot! Thanks all!
Re the riding tips-I don't know about it too much, but if i could pipe up i would say that it is also an issue with controlling the bike's power. I was riding with the gas open just enough to keep going. The bike was 3rpm above chockig off.I also think that having feet on the ground adds to the difficulty as it takes weight off the back wheel. As for the difflock-i think that my big frame helped!
Thanx for the great ride! It was a real comfort to know that the other two musketeers(Scribble and Peter Styvesant) were at the top of the "fall down hill" having a smoke and thinking of me "mining" in the stone as ony a GS can do ;D ;D ;D. On a more serious note, thanks go out to the two musketeers for the help in repairing my puncture, greatly appreciated.
Some more pics!!


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