UPDATED: Review on the Uvex after the first 4000km and it's end. Post 169

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Just before our last trip two weeks ago the wife told me, to get rid of my Arai, it looks like a weeshuis dop,got it for 4 years now and 140000km later it's no amount of Genkem and Superglue can keep it's parts in one piece any more.

Think it is better measuring a helmets life in kilometres than years, as the lid obviously takes more wear that way than sitting in a garage for 3years.
As the polycarbon Uvex will only arrive in SA in the next few months, I decided to go for the Carbon one as it cost less than the Shoei, I will not own another Arai. The Aroih is to short over the ears and the peak imo is made for motard use not D/S riding. Apart from the fact that the Aroih offer the worst visors, I used the Airoh for a few days and I just did not feel safe in the lid, felt like fluff around my head :) The never version might be better.

My biggest gripe with the Arai since day one was the recycled Checkers bag visor they supply, bliksem for such an expensive lid that bloody visor is and insult, if you can't see you can't ride! Get hit by bad weather or mist and you are as blind as a bat! Always got me thinking of this poor fool.

One of my most important criteria after the Arai visor experience was the need to go for a helmet with a proper visor, and in that I wanted one that will not fog-up and must clear rain water easy. You can sweat and breathe like a high class porn star you won't fog-up this visor.  ;)
The Uvex got it all, blocks 100% UVA, UVB and UVC rays, no more sunburn through the visor, and a light tint.

I doubt any other lid on the SA market offer the kind of technology that's used on the Uvex visor, well BMW Enduro lids.  And it's not like some others that punt such coatings, it's part of the Uvex visor. Secondly compare a Uvex replacement visor for R400 against the R1200 Arai and Shoei want for theirs! Their after market spare parts and linings cost a fraction of the price of others.

The visor can be removed with the twist of a clip, on the Arai it's a 4screw thing. Not sure about the ease of cleaning on the Shoei.

On the Arai, the peak use to go into this high pitch buffet, and it actually made my noise itch, the peak on the Uvex is more sturdy and works better, no more noise buffeting going straight through the lid into my brain.

First day I got it, we were on our way on the trip and the peak drove me insane, in Umtata got some stick-ons they use on chairs and cut it in washer sizes to fit on the peak, two ticks and the rattle troubles were squared and fix.
I took it up with Harold and he said he will pass it on to Uvex. One important thing, is the visor must be set correctly. I am sure many oke's like me are the perfect buffet size, to short for clear air and to tall for ducking behind the screen. So it might be that as in the case with Leo and his Shoei, you will have to tweak the lid a bit to suite you.

The fit and finish and linings are classes better than the Arai, can't even compare it, like your head is suspended in pool of young virgin boobies. :biggrin: The chin strap is longer, goodness I always struggled to get the chin strap tight on the Arai, could never figure out why they fit such a short strap to the Arai.

Since then, and after 4000km use in wind, rain and mist, I can honestly say for the price it must be the best value for money lid on the market. If you are a weekend rider other lids with rubbish visors will suffice, if you are however serious and ride in all weather conditions then this lid will work for you.

The Polycarbon lid with the same visor and interior is going to cost around R3200.

So far so good, and I am happy.  :thumleft:



disclaimer: For the anal ones, this lid was paid for, I received no benefits or any kind of compensation for this review, it's my  own opinion of it, it is not a advertising write-up.