PE GPS Challenge extremes - all in a day?s ride!

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Race Dog
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Suzuki Djebel 250XC
City tar roads, sand dunes, forest tracks, open grass veld, water crossings, mountain paths ? all in a day?s ride!

While partaking in a GPS Challenge event organised for 4x4 vehicles out of Port Elizabeth on Saturday 10 March 2007, I took my camera along and took some very nice pictures, and would like to share some of them in this short ride report. Although this may not have been a dual-sport biking event or trip, I was exposed to some excellent routes that is ideal territory for dual sport biking! Here are a few of the photos taken during the competition (I actually snapped about a 100 shots, phew!). Images has been resized for optimum downloading.

Early Saturday morning, my poor cage all dressed-up for the big event, ready to go ? a real bloody pimp mobile :evil4: Sponsors want everything to go there way ? you want to win a big price, you must first advertise.

Into the sand dunes of Drift Sands Reserve, heading south from Port Elizabeth?s airport.



First victim of the day ? you simply cannot go over sand with tyres at 2.5 Bar :evil: Nevertheless, we stopped and helped, loosing very valuable time.

An hour later and 30 km towards the west, at the Maitlands Mines Off-road Adventure site. Signing-in and getting instructions from site manager . A great place for riding. Motorcycles are also welcome and for R60/day you can have fun on the various tracks and paths from dawn till dusk.

The following photos give an overview of some of the places we had to traverse at Maitland Mines as part of the GPS route discovery process ? great variety of terrain, and all within a 5 km radius! Some lekker gradients - real low ratio gear stuff.






Now the sea breeze and spectacular views are left behind and the GPS waypoints are now located approximately 45 km to the east past St Albans and Greenbushes area, heading towards Bethelsdorp.

The topography has changed to open veld and grassland ? at least the gravel road is OK. One of our targets ? an old fencing poll standing solitary guard in the veld ? at least the decorations was a new addition

From here the little arrow in the GPS?s LCD window start pointing in a northerly direction ?and a forgotten ?twee spoor? track was used

But some muddy water crossing still had to be negotiated ? no problem for my mobile signboard

and the start of a decent along a path that was very rapidly becoming non-existent

After making a turn in Uitenhage, the route changed in a westerly direction and we had to start hauling ass ? 17h00 was approaching and time was starting to run out. 32 km later we once again had a drastic change of scenery ? the Elands River valley and mountains!

and mountain streams had to be negotiated before reaching the final waypoint.

And finally, some of the opposition

The total distance travel during the competition was 147 km. Number of waypoint 38. Number of participants were 25 vehicles and over 100 persons. It was also announced that this was the biggest GPS challenge event to date in South Africa! Sections were from easy tar roads to some really technical off-road stuff. However, any dual-sport motorcycle ridden by an experienced rider could easily have completed the whole route. I am convinced that events can also be successfully applied to dual-sport biking 8)
Unfortunately I did not end up in the top 5 (remember the &@d*0! individual that got stuck in the sand - cost me about an hour), nevertheless it was a most enjoyable day.
great stuff watty
those roads look brilliant

regarding you not winning:
remember the old saying - 'No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished'
Great going watty.. first time i saw a Jeep Cherokee offroad..
i see lotsa them on the parking lot sidewalks..
Parked next to shacks in Ga-Rankuwa
Parked in front of some big-ass houses around jo-burg..but never offroad..

thanx for sharing..really some great pics on there..
Great report Watty, I will be in PE towards the end of next week. Maybe join you PE W -Doggers for a pint if the chance arises.
Grootseun said:
Great going watty.. first time i saw a Jeep Cherokee offroad....
Had absolutely no problems. Kept up with all the big Land Cruisers and Landrover Defenders. Must add however that at times I really wished I had more ground clearance. I once ended up on a bl�ªrrie big rock with both front wheels clear off the deck! Has to reverse using low gear to drag it off. Luckily I had the 'optional body armour plating' underneath to protect the sump etc. I will have to take it off and press/hammer it into an acceptable shape again. :D My Jeep is the CRD model and real got some nice low-end torch for those low ratio gear crawls up a or down a steep gradient.
Looking at these .... I miss my 4x4. Also lots of fun on days / events like this.
Is that the Cherokee or the Liberty. Do they leave in the 4litre V8 engine in it. This is the normal spec for the US.
X Banana Boy said:
Is that the Cherokee or the Liberty. Do they leave in the 4litre V8 engine in it. This is the normal spec for the US.
It is the Liberty - officially code named the Jeep KJ model by DaimlerChrysler. The name Liberty is only used in USA and Canada. In the rest of world the Jeep Liberty is marketed and known as the Cherokee. The Cherokee of the USA is known here as the Grand Cherokee (this is the monster with the V8 motor - 'n regte sous vraat!). Mine is a diesel burner known as the CRD model. Two petrol variant are available in SA, a 2.4 litre 4 cyl petrol and a 3.7 litre V6 jobbie. The diesel is a 2.8 litre motor.
The reason for using two different names for the exact same vehicle is apparently due to the fact that another motor manufacturer (in Australia I think) hold the patent rights to the name Liberty outside the USA.

Here is a close-up to 'prove' the Cherokee name :wink:
Nice report Watty. :p

Jest thinking...maybe we with your help can sometime in the future organise the same thing for us wild dogs. I love tracks and technical riding.

Anybody agree with me that it will be an awsome trip?
Ama ride ride said:
Nice report Watty. :p

Jest thinking...maybe we with your help can sometime in the future organise the same thing for us wild dogs. I love tracks and technical riding.

Anybody agree with me that it will be an awsome trip?

I am all it :thumbleft: for get a D/S bike GPS Challenge off the ground. You will recall I actually did put feelers out in an earlier post re the possibility of getting bike involved in the above mentioned event. As with the nature of any event of this type, two basic criteria must be met; namely sufficient competitors and proper pre-planning (i.e. jacked-up organizers). Needless to say some sponsorships will also be v. nice :lol:. I am quite willing to go ahead and investigate the possibility - talk to contacts re sponsorships, getting media coverage, approach the GPS consultant that adjudicated the above competition for assistance, etc.

Dates and venue will of course always be an issue. As you quite rightly state ARR, it will be awesome if say 20 plus Wild Dogs go riding with alternative purpose to be out in nature !
So, any feedback and interest?. :?:
I'm with ARR :D Bring it on. Just need plenty of pre warning as I travel overseas a lot and need to plan my life, so that business doesn't interfere with the pleasures :twisted:
This would be a great thing to do. Maybe we can help with a KZN round of the series.... :?: