Baviaans -Side entry attempt ( Take Two)

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Breakfast on Saturday morning. Lets vote please!!!

  • Breakfast at Oude Bosch Padstal (S34 00.334 E24 14.078)

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Breakfast at “The Sweaty Dutchman Restaurant” (S33 57.105 E24 17.441)

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Breakfast at Wimpy Humansdorp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No breakfast, lets fuel up and go. Will have a snack on the way.

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Race Dog
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
RS started playing with the idea to have a second attempt at the Baviaans via a 4x4 route called Rust en Vrede.

Now it's official. There's going to be a second attempt on the R&V route into the Baviaans.

Since it is quite tough with kit, especially from the Baviaans lodge side than the Doornkloof side and the fact that this will be extremely hard to finish all in one day, I offered to come along with my land Rover carrying all the kit and so forth.

The preliminary plan:

The plan on the table is to get all the kit with me on the Friday of the designated weekend. Early Saturday, about 05:30 we’ll have a get together at the garage at Mike’s Kitchen in Lovemore heights. If all are accounted for, we’ll be heading out to Kareedouw where our last fuel stop will be. If anyone is not at Mike’s Kitchen at 06:00, we’ll catch you at Kareedouw not later than 08:00. At 08:00 we’ll be heading out to the R&V route. We’re going to tackle the R&V route the Saturday already and have the Sleepover at Doornkloof campsite.  We’re not going to sleep over at Baviaans lodge for the following reasons.

1.) A good night’s rest at home is better than one in a tent. Baviaans kloof campsite is very,  very rustic.
2.) Doornkloof have ablution blocks with warm showers, electricity, cold beers and the list carries on.
3.) Don’t have to get to bed early because the difficult section is behind you.
4.) Some of you will not want to do the whole of Baviaans and the R&V route on Sunday.

It will be better to do the route and afterward have a nice relaxing night at Doorn Kloof campsite and have a lazy morning to get up and do the Baviaans.

Doornkloof is between Willowmore and the first gate, so there’s still a bit of riding ahead of us for the Sunday. We can all have a get together at Padlangs or somewhere in Hankey to end the weekend.

There’s only a limited amount of rider’s kit that can be accommodated with the Land Rover. I was thinking of seven riders but am willing to push it to max 10 riders so the first 10 names on the list will be accommodated for.

Names on the list so far that have confirmed:

     J-Mo - Land Rover
     G4C - Navigator Land Rover

1.) Rocstompa
2.) J-Dog (27 November 2010)
3.) Thump ° C
4.)  Wolweseun.
5.)  Lagadema (27 November 2010)
6.)  Weskus (27 November 2010)
7.)  J Man (27 November 2010

Interested but still have to confirm: Big Dom, Edgy, Throttle Jockey.

The dates are as follows:

The 06th of November 2010 will be a first possible date.

Saturday the 13th “sounds” like a good day to do it. >:D

Alternative we’re looking at the 27th of November 2010.

A first Aid Kit will be in the Land Rover, and we have a person that knows how to use it.

It’s open for discussion.
