Not so great ending to a ride

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Race Dog
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Couple of us do a Glendale Valley dual sport loop yesterday. Awesome ride, perfect cool conditions. Minimal dust. A few good scratches between the boys. We pushing it but no one doing anything stupid, back off around blind corners, no near misses etc. it’s an experienced bunch with good skills.

We finish our 180 km loop back on the tar for the run home. We never pin it on tar, eats our knobblies so we typically ride at around 90 km/h on the black stuff. At a point I peal off as I’m going north, the other 5 guys south. Get home, chilling and then I see the missed calls.

About a minute after we split up a superbike rider coming the other way, can’t make a corner and he runs wide and has a head on with my buddy who is in front of the group.

Bike carnage as you can see. My mate got off lightly, broken hand and serious bruising. Could have been fatal thank goodness it was not. Superbike rider a lot worse but not life threatening as far as I know.

Sorry about your bud... hope he heals well.

Your other mates should have had a little sit-down-and-chat with the superdick rider... just to educate him a bit! F&%$*ng idjit. Next time he may well take out an innocent person.
Very bad 👎 Glad your bud is not too hurt.See the superbike rider missed the corner by quite a lot - way too hot and could have been fatal.
Shucks, that's horrible.

Glad you bud is okay.

They build KTM's strong - that should buff out ;)
Asshole, glad your buddy is OK'ish. Happens in a blink of an eye. One stop more elsewhere and the road was open on that corner - fate deals a vicious hand.
Hectic thing to happen. :cry:

Did he break his right hand ? if so, and if he is right-handed, how will he work? or ride a bike? That can take a long time to recover.

But yes could have been worse. Good thing your buddy was not also speeding and he was wearing good boots and proper pants with knee guards I see his one knee guard is also ripped?
Sorry to hear
That really sucks
Looking at that superbike he is a regular offender. His frame protectors cannot protect against stupidity all the time.
By the looks of those chicken strips, the furthest that GSX-R has ever leaned is on its side stand…
’Got the bike, but got no idea’

Al the best to your mate, on a speedy recovery.

Guts N Gas
Sorry to hear about the accident, I'm glad to hear that your friend (and the super bike idiot) is OK. Things could have been much worse.
By the looks of those chicken strips, the furthest that GSX-R has ever leaned is on its side stand…
’Got the bike, but got no idea’
You beat me to it.

My XR with a Dunlop 606 on the rear has a small fraction of those chicken strips.