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    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Chrisl's post in the thread Wanted Any Bmw 800 for sale with Like Like.
      Send Pannas a pm he knows of all the 800's for sale or have owned most of them!! 😜 💪 Contact Joel in PE he might have one. Call us...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Gerard's post in the thread For Sale BMW R1200GS 2011 Tripple Black with Like Like.
      Very nice deal for someone on a budget who wants a first adventure bike.
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Chrisl's post in the thread Itchy Boots - New Season with Like Like.
      Ek moet darem sê sommige van daai teer paaie is gaar genoeg om grondpaaie te wees. Wonder of dit die baie lorries se werk of min...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to TVB's post in the thread Itchy Boots - New Season with Like Like.
      Correct Trip down memory land for me, following in anticipation and looking very much fw to the road to Baghdad which I have traveled...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Hollywood's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      My fout!! Daai is mos duidelik Pakhuispas. As ek hom nou verander op die program en weer oplaai op YouTube, sien hulle dit as 'n...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Fugley's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      Hi Guys! Our latest episode of Footpeg Diaries - Sidetracked with Honda SA is live! Join us for breathtaking trails and unforgettable...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire replied to the thread Itchy Boots - New Season.
      She did say something that foreners is not allowed to do dirt roads there although there is so many, but she did at least do that little...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire replied to the thread Itchy Boots - New Season.
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to TVB's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      I will make the same comment I have made on the channel here, something like this: 1: Wish the injured guys a speedy recovery. 2: Adv...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Hollywood's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      We ask, we get an answer, we believe the feedback. I think any barometer of riding ability is a very subjective one. You're probably a...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Hollywood's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      Editing is key. If we showed you an entire day of all the other guys riding at 40kmph... very few people would have the patience to sit...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Hollywood's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      True. Medics are great. We do have Medics at the official Event we are going to. This is a ride to get to the event. Thats what everyone...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Vis Arend's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      Was about to say the same, there is no ways me and my wife can get a medic for each and every outride we do, or for when we out on a...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Hollywood's post in the thread Footpeg Diaries with Like Like.
      These weren't the only incidents we had on the trip, though... there's more to come. It was one of the most traumatic trips I've done...
    • Hotwire
      Hotwire reacted to Chrisl's post in the thread Itchy Boots - New Season with Haha Haha.
      Franky is getting moerig!!;)
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