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    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Me and "My China".
      What's this "from the Grove" nonsense?... I'm from the deep south my charna. Beaut of a boney...hope you have thousands of happy miles...
    • McSack
      One of Runner's orphans... when he thinks it is time for attention then it is time for attention. He'll lie there and give me the woeful...
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    • McSack
      McSack reacted to Jughead's post in the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval with Like Like.
      Not sure whether that will work. You would need to get the weld all the way to the bottom of the hole for it to be effective. IMO...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      Ja that is my concern with the one hole that is oval. Will look into plug-n-weld solution suggested on previous page by Super Saiyan...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      Schweet...thanks. (y) From that side I see the problem. It is these holes
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    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      I'll pull the bits and pieces around there off and take a proper look, but from the top they definitely aren't through-and-through.
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      :D .. can't throw up the rope (Afrikaans is n wonderlikke taal Jong)... coming up for 100kms I've personally done on this bike and he...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      You are right 😞...updated my initial reply
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      Steel as far as I know. I haven't taken all the furniture off yet...was hoping to sort the issue without stripping everything...
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    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      Pictures are a bit deceiving. Although the boss is part of the frame it only sits about 1mm proud. I didn't think of welding a nut on...
    • McSack
      McSack reacted to Jughead's post in the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval with Like Like.
      If you were to remove the minimum of material from the hole, you wouldn't be able to use a Helicoil, but you could fit a Timesert, which...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      If I were to disclose how many ex's are running around with oval noughts you'd be shocked Norbsie
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Have definitely considered that. Problem is how big I need to drill the oval hole to get it round enough to...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread Luggage rack bolt hole oval.
      Thanks man... I need to take another good look at how much material is left around that hole and what "oversize" bolt will go in there...
    • McSack
      McSack replied to the thread BREEZE /AIRFLOW JACKET.
      Just take a cheapy rain jacket with. All you really want to do is stop the "airflow" when temps are a bit cooler
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