Recent content by Aprilian

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  1. Aprilian

    Wanted Motoradical topbox tubular key

    Looking for above- managed to lose mine. It's from the earlier topboxes - thus tubular Gracias 082 928 2202
  2. Aprilian

    Orange Blood campaign

    Blue bull deletes Orange Blood thread and Noneking sees Red! Black day in Wilddog history 😄🤢
  3. Aprilian

    Wanted SP Connect Mounts

    I have - 2 arms as per pic @ R450 each SOLD - 1 arm for bicycle @ R450 - 2 arms as per pic @ R450 each SOLD - case for Samsung S23 Ultra @ R400 Now R200 (includes waterproof cover)
  4. Aprilian

    Wanted SP Connect Mounts

    Yes - as new 50% off new price 0829282202
  5. Aprilian

    The CRF300L thread

    Bietjie woes! Big bore kit roughly 15k - worth it. Suspension- Superfoxy and Martin Paetzold might have something more affordable? And then a pipe...
  6. Aprilian

    CRF300 Rally thread

    Great option for 300L owners