Recent content by Bappas

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  1. Bappas

    What type of glue to use?

    From personal experience you can use anything including spit and it will only work until you fall asleep
  2. Bappas

    MotoGP 2025

    Think you are right ! I think us armchair critics do not realise just how competitive and technical it is they last person on the grid is part of the best in the world
  3. Bappas

    MotoGP 2025

    Have a idea KTM s day s are numbered
  4. Bappas


    That I know😂😂
  5. Bappas


    If you want to get rid of it I will pay Postnet😂😂😂
  6. Bappas

    Camshaft policy for 790

    Good luck forcing goodwill claims on a bangcrupt company they will do anything by the book not to pay
  7. Bappas

    Suzuki PE

    Wow that looks better than the ones I had when young😂
  8. Bappas

    Who would trust a discount brand KTM?

    With the new offerings in the market and not knowing wat support will do in the future and the know problems with reliability I for one wont touch a KTM with a barge pole
  9. Bappas

    Wanted *WANTED* F800GS Front Rim

    Had on my 800 as well Galvanic corrosion between stainless and alluminuim is however a normal thing
  10. Bappas

    MotoGP 2025

    Might be his chance of a bike next year.Wonder what is going to happen with the KTM saga
  11. Bappas

    MotoGP 2025

    I aways wonder how much one can read into the testing? Who is testing what? However last year the new Ducati s got faster and faster with the season while the older ones stagnated
  12. Bappas

    Cam Wear. Any examples in SA?

    I think the finnacial trouble is also not helping stressful for the agents and part supply from KTM most probably problematic Think it is wonderfull that things still get sorted
  13. Bappas

    Brake Fluid as Penetrating Oil?

    Works but do not be in a hurry
  14. Bappas

    What to bring back to Aus from a ZA trip

    Vriend het altyd vir my Bundaberg Rum gebring verkieslik die OP dit laat Stroh soos Oros lyk