Recent content by Challa

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  1. Challa

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Daai kyk is; Weet jou ma jy is op my werf???
  2. Challa

    For Sale BMW GS800, 2009 model, 24 000km, R69.5k

    He might be referring to the price.
  3. Challa

    Royal Enfield South Africa

    They will need more than one dealer than the one in the city bowl if they want to be successful. I aint buying a bike when I live in the northern suburbs, work in the winelands and have to go to woodstock for a service. This is stumbling block No 1, regardless of the bike.
  4. Challa

    Sights, sounds and smells we will never forget

    Chloor en Brake Fluid n DT 50 se 2 smoke Rooikrans en Blitz
  5. Challa

    BMW 1200GS - Where to service, do tyre fitment etc. in Cape Town?

    Jy kannie verkeerd gaan net bande by Marie en die diens by die manne hierbo. Boek maar vroegtydig jou diens, almal gaan na hulle agv die goeie diens en kundigheid.
  6. Challa

    BMW puts in bid to buy KTM !!

    Ja!!!! Nou kan ons bmw toasters kry.
  7. Challa

    BMW puts in bid to buy KTM !!

    Germans moving into Austria is never a good sign... 😜
  8. Challa

    Lowering a Honda 300 Rally?

    @Vulcan had a koubalink (sp) as a kortgat solution.
  9. Challa

    Men - Wild at heart? Not so much anymore...

    Kids need to be shown the way, but also be allowed to do things unsupervised. Hopefully I can take my own advice when the time comes. 😅 I observe lots of helicopter parenting around me.
  10. Challa

    CRF300 Rally thread

    Is that an adventure-spec screen?
  11. Challa

    CRF300 Rally thread

    Sounds promising. When will it land on our shores?
  12. Challa

    CRF300 Rally thread

    And will we get one with LED, not those sassa welfare indicators?
  13. Challa

    Biker Down- how does it affect you?

    I had my first big off 2 weeks ago in the Tankwa. A couple of nights in hotel Mediclinic, a bruised body and bruised a bruised ego. My wife knew immediately that something was wrong when I phoned. It's usually just a whatsapp message, that I am at my destination. I was pretty emotional when...
  14. Challa

    CRF300 Rally thread

    Hierdie scooter is besig om hard met my te gesels. 1. Wie van julle is noord van 100kg (105), het 'n rally en geniet dit nogsteeds vir wat dit is. Ek is immers realisties dat dit net n 286 cc is. 2. Wie maak n solid bashplate en vol crashbars wat die fairing beskerm? (Ek sien net "lowers" by...