Recent content by chicco

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  1. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Jip e bikes is n paradigm shift
  2. chicco

    Who this ??

    Its not wooly bugger or Danie. We can rule them out.
  3. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Nico Bell,
  4. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Bargain of the year....fokit net gemis.
  5. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Mense dink mos jy klim net op n e bike en daar gaan jy 100km no effort. Ek kry op n e bike die selfde workout oor 80km wat ek op n gewone fiets oor 20km kry. E bike 80km is n lekker Saterdag trippie. Hier by ons moet jy 20km ry voor jy by die mooi plekke kom.
  6. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    En jou gat in any case...eks net 14kg oorgewig.:p
  7. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Ek het al my bucket list MTB races gedoen. Al die grotes behalwe Epic. Ek wil nou net rustig saam met swambo ry. Daai fietse se range is oor die 100km so kan lekker heeldag in die bos rondry sonder om moertoe te wees. Ek ry al oor die 20 jaar fiets en geniet dit nog steeds baie. E MTB is die...
  8. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    ek kyk na die outjie, kos meer as my eerste 990....fokit...
  9. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Proper demo dag....
  10. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    KTM sn
  11. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Husky sn.
  12. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    daai rooi gevaar is duurder as n nuwe KTM 250. Leen jy hom net om te koop later? @Noneking
  13. chicco

    Noneking's Mancave

    Ek raai ook die outjie maar ek wonder bietjie oor daai pyp wat onder die water gaan wees.
  14. chicco

    KTM 1290 Super Adventure R vs BMW R 1250 Adv MU Rally Style vs Triumph Tiger 1200 Rally Pro / Explorer

    With the current orange blood in the water you might pic up a good priced KTM, but on the other hand, it might bite you in the long run ITO parts, service and re sale. I will seriously consider the BMW. Good solid choice, like a NG Kerk meisie...... But check out this slut bargain (in my...
  15. chicco

    Photo of the day

    If you post that pic in Gaza you might start WW3