Recent content by Colin Kaapschehoop

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  1. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Seen Bike(s) on Facebook

    I guess “beauty (or lack thereof) is in the eye of the beholder” really applies in this case!
  2. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Dullstroom bike safety issues

    All WDs especially welcome and if they misbehave we book them a seat on one of Christo’s best horses in the morning!
  3. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Dullstroom bike safety issues

    If a Blackhawk can land, we’ll be able to sqeeze you in!
  4. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Dullstroom bike safety issues

    If we have customers and they’re still behaving in a good way we don’t close!
  5. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Dullstroom bike safety issues

    To defend them, (I’m in the same trade in Kaapschehoop) times/patterns/customer behaviour has changed radically since Covid! Where our minimum closing time on a weekday night used to be 10:30, we very often close at 8, even though our kitchen staff are on shift till 9, they often haven’t haven’t...
  6. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Help - tracing owner based on Reg

    They should be able to arrange a meeting at their premises with the owner!? Otherwise you write down all your questions & they should forward to the owner and then give you his written replies and I would ask for an affidavit, with all relevant engine & chassis numbers, from the owner...
  7. Colin Kaapschehoop

    PTA to Haenertsburg

    Lots of scenic tar (better dirt though!) in our area. Call if you like OAte2 89Two87Six7. You might need help with arranging accommodation as Sappi has an imminent shut planned.
  8. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Wanted XR650L engine

    You could probably fit XR/XL 500/600 as well, without much trouble
  9. Colin Kaapschehoop

    For Sale POSTIE 110 barn find (Tankwa)

    For what it’s worth I have bought for R2500 in much better running condition, & sold for R5500 a few years ago. What must be borne in mind is that it’ll take 10-20k to get to good condition and then won’t be worth 25-30k unless you keep it for another 10 years. To get to really tip top shape...
  10. Colin Kaapschehoop

    New Old Rider

    Welcome! These guys always want to see pics!
  11. Colin Kaapschehoop

    Replacing a Lathe Motor

    Hi. I have a very good mate who is an armature winder and has sheds full of related stuff. Your mate can call me and I’ll find out from my mate if we can help him
  12. Colin Kaapschehoop

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Congratulations and very well done! Seems the company is going from strength to strength so you should be happy there for quite a while! By the sound of things Ruby should be stepping up soon as well. It’s amazing and inspiring to see young women going places in tough male dominated industries!
  13. Colin Kaapschehoop

    KTM Trouble

    That surname fits!