Recent content by CrazyPorra

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  1. CrazyPorra

    Proof that KTM is stronger than a LandCruiser 💪😜

    Just some fun!
  2. CrazyPorra

    RD07 Fuel Tank tap

    Thanks Cage. will give it a go. Mine was stuck due to rust and forced it t turn, now it just stays open.
  3. CrazyPorra

    RD07 Fuel Tank tap

    Hi looking for the Fuel on/off tap that fits onto the tank, not the black lever but the actual tap. Anyone have one or know where I can find one, Steelers want R2k for one. Thanks.
  4. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 21 (03/01/2003) Up at 06:30, and I felt great it was the first time in 20 days that I had slept in a bed. We had breakfast and by 08:30 we were on our way to Beit Bridge border post, on the way we took in a few sites and spent the rest of our Zim $ buying kudu biltong. After clearing the...
  5. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 20 (02/01/2003) Up at 06:00 and we had breakfast before leaving Biques at 09:00. The weather was good for traveling a bit overcast with a slight drizzle. John was experiencing a horrible vibration at about 85km/h, so we maintained a slow speed and I decided to fall back a bit and would...
  6. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 19 (01/01/2003) I got up at 07:30, and there wasn’t much life out of John or Bob’s tents. They finally got up but were still suffering from slurred speech, they had apparently carried on partying until about 04:30, and where still feeling the effects of the alcohol that they had consumed...
  7. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 18 (31/12/2002) We were up at 06:00 and at about 08:15 John received a phone call from the BMW representative in South Africa, informing him that they had mysteriously lost is front rim. I now have to say, that at least Honda would have told you in the beginning that there was no way in...
  8. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 17 (30/12/2002) Up at 03:45 and we were on the road at 05:00, the first 200km to Macuba was a mixture of good tar and bad gravel and on this stretch the road exists but the bridges don’t, but we still made good time and arrived at about 07:30. We had planned to fill up in Macuba, which...
  9. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 16 (29/12/2002) We were up at 04:30 and on the road at 06:15, we knew we were going to have a long day in the saddle. The first 60km took us about 1.5 hours through the thick sand and bush, and we did come across some freshly laid elephant dug. Once on the tar we maintained a good average...
  10. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 15 (28/12/2002) Up at 06:00, it had rained the whole night and it was still drizzling, explored the village and lazed around for most of the day swimming and sharing notes with different travelers. We ordered some crayfish for the evening, but due to the miserable weather the fisherman...
  11. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 14 (27/12/2002) Up at 05:00 and left camp at 06:30, we went into town for the usual photo and petrol stops. While in town I was again stopped by the friendly officials who where trapping with a radar gun, no luck again I was under the speed limit, but they did complain about me riding with...
  12. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 13 (26/12/2002) Up at 04:45 and we where on our way at 06:30, first we went into Nacala to take a few photos and fill up with petrol. We rode on new tar road so the bikes were eating up the distance that we needed to do for the day, so when we arrived at the Lurio river we decided to take...
  13. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 12 (25/12/2002) Up at 06:00, lazed around and shared some notes with fellow travelers in the camp next door who were coming down from the north. My right leg is still in pain and is about twice its size from the knee down, got the camp personnel to do some washing and then helped Bob to...
  14. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 11 (24/12/2002) Up at 05:00 and still in pain, I bandaged up my knee and decided to bear with it. We were on the road at 07:30, and I found it very difficult to use the back brake due to the pain, and with the roads still very wet from the previous days rains progress was very slow 40km/h...
  15. CrazyPorra

    Mozambique coast line adventure

    Day 10 (23/12/2002) Up at 04:30 as this was going to be a hard day of over 550km of gravel according to local information, we left camp at 06:00, in town we filled up with petrol and where told that the road to Moma was in good condition, so once we were moving we maintained a average speed of...