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  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Soos in, offroad cycles sy wors braai aande, ja
  • dirtWarp
    Ek het hom kwaad gemaak. Jammer mense 😬
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Vir die langpad.. want die KTM manne sit al by hul bestemming, op hul 2de dop. Give him also some earplugs, to help out during those...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Nee, ek hap tog te lekker na die aas wat jy so strooi. 😋
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp reacted to BuRP's post in the thread KTM Trouble with Like Like.
    3 used one's I presume? Then you've either bough someone else's ellende or you did not do what many if not most do... maintenance! KTM's...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Indeed Refreshing to read a statement void of schadenfreude
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp reacted to roxenz's post in the thread KTM Trouble with Like Like.
    I'm no KTM fanboy, never owned one, likely never will. But I'll be sad to see the brand go, or change significantly in its approach to...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Ek het al gesien hoe persone n Makita handboor op n job site vernietig. Of die kraaie op die plaas waar enige implement in hul gebruik...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Nog meer bollie wat jy kwytraak. Ek ry n ex-Bas Dakar rental 2017 501 wat as rally bike gebruik was. Hy't n harde lewe gehad en...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Waarvan praat jy? KTM se enduro bikes is bullet proof.
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Ja, maar.. ek moet sê my FE550 was nogal rof afgewerk. Daai ratkas het n helse bohaai opgeskop. Kickstart aan die linker kant. E-start...
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp replied to the thread KTM Trouble.
    Like I said
  • dirtWarp
    Vir watter span bat jy?
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp reacted to Wolzac's post in the thread KTM’s parent group is insolvent. with Like Like.
    If you rode any KTM she would have touched her Toes.;)
  • dirtWarp
    dirtWarp reacted to Welsh's post in the thread KTM’s parent group is insolvent. with Like Like.
    I remember that pink KTM well, she broke both wrists later on a triumph a little old lady turned across her. So as a gentleman and she...