Recent content by EvilOne

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  1. EvilOne

    A day in the workshop ...

    How many bananas could you fit in there to smooth the problem over? 😉
  2. EvilOne

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    Saw this in Kimberley today at the Big Hole site.
  3. EvilOne

    Wilde lewe in jou tuin

  4. EvilOne

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦

    Socialism breeds dependency and infantalism, entitlement.
  5. EvilOne

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦
  6. EvilOne

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    I can feel it! There are people out there successfully breathing with no sign of a central nervous system being present. Post condolences for this trauma inflicted upon your sense of all that is right and true.
  7. EvilOne

    Driving Tired - a Tale of Utter Stupidity

    Yip, there's no substitute for sleep.
  8. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    Yep, Google and other search engines shape their search results so blatantly to the political left people get sick of it. Plenty of material not in line with the shaped status quo of authorised reality gets buried deep in the search results.
  9. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ? I see. Difficult to know what is true. I read some time ago that DDG used Google as it's engine but applied it's own algorithm to the search results. A piggyback set up. It must have been a false report.
  10. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    To a different rythmn.
  11. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    DuckDuckGo uses Google
  12. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    What is the price of a module now? We know what it was in 2019.
  13. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ? I see labour costs with battery installations is a significant expense!
  14. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    Ok, at 2019 prices, 5 modules which is one battery pack equates to R560,000-00 ($30,000-00) What is the price per module now?
  15. EvilOne

    What is it with modern car engines ?

    Is that the price of one module? There are about 22 modules per pack I think. That is still very pricey. $6k is roughly R112k Yikes!!!