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  • Heimer
    Heimer reacted to dookie's post in the thread Wrist problems. with Haha Haha.
    Sterkte Danie. Jy sal sommer gou weer kan wurmpie wurg.
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread Sold 2 pairs of gloves.
    Bargain. Those Richa gloves are excellent
  • Heimer
    Heimer reacted to dual's post in the thread 100 km draai gery with Like Like.
    Ek is daar verby op pad terug van Valley af, het hom so na links beloer voor ek die teerpad pas op is, vermoed hy is moerland toe verspeol
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread 100 km draai gery.
    Hy is amper onrybaar verspoel. Net vir ligte plastics ok. Ek onthou vroeër dae het ek maklik met die GS sommer daar ingeswenk vir ʼn...
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread For Sale TW200.
    Fok ek wens ek het die los geldjie gehad. Ek soek een met ʼn seer hart.
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread 100 km draai gery.
    Lekker Martin.
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread Wrist problems..
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread Wrist problems..
    Tyd haal ons in Danie. 😄 T700 outo is jou voorland
  • Heimer
    Heimer replied to the thread Wrist problems..
    Yamaha bring eersdaags hulle auto gearbox uit
  • Heimer
    Heimer reacted to petri oosthuizen's post in the thread Garmin GPS 101 for Dummies... with Haha Haha.
    And what a BEAUTIFUL Day today is. I'm GPS - free. A whole new world opened up for me. Or, rather, an absolutely horrible, terrifying...