When it was sold to We Buy Broken Cars;
Then when they advertised it on the floor.
The last recorded service at BMW was at 90000km. So it was convenient to have 94000km on.
We Buy Broken Cars is at fault really, if a customer can do the homework and quickly find out the service history so can they. Friend of mine sold his car to them with 150000km on and a week later it had 94000km on on their floor. Go figure!
I am doing extremely well. Actually surprisingly my recovery is going better than I thought, hardly any pain these days. Should be "Ready To Race" soon! My bike is almost fully repaired, so all is good! Thanks again for all the wishes, calls and messages!
Guys thanks for all the good wishes. Every one of them are much appreciated. Life at the moment is tough, very sore and uncomfortable. I organised myself a proper “opfok”! I have had so much to think about the last few days regarding the accident and how I could have handled it differently. The...