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      litig8 reacted to TheLastSuperSaiyan's post in the thread Namibia advice with Like Like.
      Ek hoop om ook April 2025 te gaan. Probleem is elke keer as ek genoeg gespaar het vir so n trip koop ek n ander bike.. Elke geval - ek...
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      litig8 reacted to Black_Hawk's post in the thread Namibia advice with Like Like.
      I'm following this thread. We are planning a trip round about the same time, but in 2026. Looking forward to see what the people suggest.
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      litig8 reacted to Heimer's post in the thread Namibia advice with Like Like.
      If you are up for a bit of loose surface, the D707 from outside Aus to south of Sesriem is an absolute must.
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      litig8 reacted to Fuzzy Muzzy's post in the thread Namibia advice with Like Like.
      When it comes to Namibia I agree, the roads are the destination, the C12 from Canyon Roadhouse ( great camping option there if you plan...
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      litig8 posted the thread Namibia advice in Planning a Ride.
      Hi all, I am planning a trip to Nam next year. My route is fairly well mapped out. It seems that the following destinations are very...
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