Manic's latest activity

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  • Manic
    Manic reacted to wynand.louw02's post in the thread For Sale 2014 HD Low Rider with Like Like.
    What a friend of mine, who owns a few Harleys, and has done it before, has to say about the front fork.
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!.
    Our Law says you are allowed to go over speedlimit when overtaking.
  • Manic
    As jy die voertuig se boksie tick om te renew, lees net as iets op pop aan die bo kant. As da niks snaaks is nie, click op next/pay en...
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread (Non) Charging Issue.. Hilux.
    Like this........
  • Manic
    BUT, there is always a BUT......... If you have fines against your name, and you pay, and your paper arrives, but there is no disc...
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread (Non) Charging Issue.. Hilux.
    You get a lighter charger socket you use for cell phones, but its got a LCD display on, that will show the charge coming from...
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread 1300 GSA.
    Da is n groot verskil tussen die 1250 en die 1300. Die 1300 het baie meer low down torque, en hy rev soos n mal ding. Love die 1300...
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread 1300 GSA.
    My 1300GS whine sound did not go away after 1000km service. I was told by BMW that they change the oil grade on the first service, and...
  • Manic
    Manic reacted to 2StrokeDan's post in the thread Biker Down- how does it affect you? with Like Like.
    I also feel more and more vulnerable on the road, but that is all self made fears. Ek het myself bang geval. Even off-road, I have...
  • Manic
    Manic reacted to Black_Hawk's post in the thread Biker Down- how does it affect you? with Like Like.
    This is not nice to hear... Strong's to JJ and his family in this difficult and uncertain time. Whishing JJ a speedy and and full recovery.
  • Manic
    Our BMW Motorad salesman left work on the Friday with the demo 1300GS, on his way home taxi skipped a red robot. No licence disc on...
  • Manic
    Manic reacted to Brucet's post in the thread 1300 GSA with Love Love.
    Picking mine up today. They just fitting paniers, top box and all the other accessories. My first trip is next month, through Zimbabwe...
  • Manic
    Manic replied to the thread 1250 engine noise.
    Hulle loop maar harder as die 1200LC. Moenie n 1250 ry sonder helmet nie, dan hoor jy goed wat jy nie wil hoor nie. Maar ek verbeel my...