Recent content by Oubones

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  1. Oubones

    Whispers of the Wind: A Tale of Adventure on Two Wheels

    Dankie Ek weet nie hoe ek die nou eers raak gelees het nie. Mooi geskryf en maak my lus vir ry!
  2. Oubones


    Did not take long to derail this one🙈 Welcome and yes, lots of good information here! Lots of ragging and handbag swinging also😳😂 What are you riding and what area?
  3. Oubones


    Baie besonderse foto’s! Ek nou sommer jaloers! Dankie vir die deel.
  4. Oubones

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Dit is sulke tye wat mens besef wat is genoeg!
  5. Oubones


  6. Oubones


  7. Oubones

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Ek moet nog ‘n gedeelte van my ou lappie grond toespan en dit is duur! My hart bloei vir die boere wat baie myle se drade moet koop op ‘n slag.
  8. Oubones

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    I read, but tend to skip some vids. I have been waiting for the C10 to get some love again. You know when I stop and start on projects, I get told is then old age!😂🙈
  9. Oubones

    My first solo trip

    Only saw this now, nice trip! Enjoy and looking forward to the rest👍
  10. Oubones

    Comfort Zone

    I like your reasoning and enjoy! Respect for going enduro👍I decided last Monday morning that I need to ride more! Got on the bike and went! Strange how my whole week was better!
  11. Oubones

    Warthog Bash April 2025 - 4 to 6 April.

    Ja, nou is kom die Bluff brak en hamer van Hammersdale definitief🙈👍
  12. Oubones

    Warthog Bash April 2025 - 4 to 6 April.

    Vrou het betaling gedoen👍
  13. Oubones

    New member

  14. Oubones

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Grondpad vang dorpsmense lekker uit! My dogter se een kêrel gaan kuier in die suikerriet en sê vir my maar die spoedgrens is dan 80km/h🙈
  15. Oubones

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Only caught up here now, very glad for you! Congrats and I knew they would see your value!💪 Good on you for calling the cops and not sorting it yourself!