Recent content by QuintenMarais

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  1. QuintenMarais


    Do we have a thread for Western Cape ?
  2. QuintenMarais

    Lane splitting ethics

    As daar maar net 'n grondpaadjie was om mee huis toe te ry ... Hoe Meer mense sê "Kyk hoe ry daai Drol" beteken hulle het my gesien. Beteken hulle sal nie in my vas ry nie.
  3. QuintenMarais

    How many of You commute?

    Parklands to Plattekloof in Cape Town, every day, except Friday.. Wishing for some gravel on the way.
  4. QuintenMarais

    Die Hel/Gamkaskloof

    Wanneer is die beste tyd om daar te gaan kuier? Wil 'n plan maak vir laat Maart.. Of vroeg Junie.
  5. QuintenMarais

    How long do you leave your bike dirty?

    Only gets washed when it is serviced. Or if my Laaitie wants something.. (but then it's done half)
  6. QuintenMarais

    ..Pay KIT Forward...

    Dis vir Dakota .. C47, Fanning, weet nie watter een nie
  7. QuintenMarais

    GPS Speedometer and odometer

    Don't think this is 100% what you have in mind, but I have a "XOSS G+ GPS Computer" I normally start it and pop it in my pocket. It auto pauses, exports to a .lit for apps like Relive.
  8. QuintenMarais

    The Injury Database - ATGATT Advisory

    Seeing every ones injuries, looks like I was lucky .. They say most accidents happen 2 minutes from home.. Well, after almost 200km for the day with my son, we were just up the road from home, when we decided to take the alternate route, and a quick "up the hill to avoid the traffic" turned...
  9. QuintenMarais

    Gurage remote fob when coming home

    I bought myself one of these. The FOB buttons are connected to the 4 wires. The cables are nice and long, the FOB is velcro tapes under the seat. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Capture" border="0"></a> <a href=""><img...
  10. QuintenMarais

    2013 BMW R1200GS LC enters limp mode

    My bike had the same symptoms, a test on the GS-911 Diagnostic thingy confirmed it, normally happened at traffic lights after a few minutes of idling, The RHS throttle body was replaced, issue is now gone.
  11. QuintenMarais

    !!FS!! 2015 BMW R1200GSA LC Racing Blue

    Sjoe maar hy's mooi ..  :drif:
  12. QuintenMarais

    GPS Boffin Needed

    Nee Man, ek is nou so nuuskierig, vertel meer ..  ;D
  13. QuintenMarais

    One for the boffins - Hex Diagnostic on a 2018 GS LC

    Somewhere a controller is not transmitting data correctly or is failing.. A bus will go to a "bus off" state if a specific controller in the network generates to many errors .. From what I've read a bus off error is normally proceeded by other errors, is there any other errors? has something...
  14. QuintenMarais

    2013 BMW R1200GS LC enters limp mode

    When it goes limp .. Is it idling something like this ?
  15. QuintenMarais

    Help please: adventure jacket etc for tall rider

    Go and chat with the people at Leather Forever in Bellville.. They will definitely sort you out, be it to mod your current Jacket or make you a new one.