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    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to petri oosthuizen's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      Hmm Ek het n 2.4 Hilux hier 175000km Laas in 2021 gediens op so 90kkm by Franchise Van daar af deur indy Ek kan maklik die km sit op so...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to Jakes Louw's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      Surely you've heard of logbook theft? Anything can be jippoed. The only true way is DEALER SERVICE ONLY because they keep records...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to bronzy's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      The right software you can do anything, change the milage on anything ,there is guys that do this for a living
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to petri oosthuizen's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Haha Haha.
      Jy praat nie van kilos dokter soos innie ou dae nie Die mooi woord nou is "kalibreer" 😊😊
    • Roulof
      Roulof replied to the thread Seen WBC - Bikes.
      Die km terugdraai storie is ongelukkig niks nuuts nie, en daar is mense wat dit doen en ander nie. Ongelukkig het die forum 1e handse...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to Grootseun's post in the thread It is time...2005 F650 Dakar with Like Like.
      Really loving this project. Had an 06 Dakar that I abused for 100k kms. Those 650 singles are great. The panel paint job looks nice...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to petri oosthuizen's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      Daar is TOG baie Dealers wat nie kilos dokter nie Guys. Ek wil vas glo die meeste van hulle/ons. En nee, eks GEEN engeltjie nie, ek...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to Grunder's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      How does the word say "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" If WeBuyCars are doing it, I believe a lot of other non-WeBuyCars...
    • Roulof
      Roulof replied to the thread Seen WBC - Bikes.
      Have been eyeing this one for a while, but being WBC, I wouldn't even touch it with gloves.
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to Roadhawg's post in the thread Seen WBC - Bikes with Like Like.
      No, that actual bike in particular ;) I have a few mates with 900 scramblers and they dig em, no issues. They aren't exactly cutting...
    • Roulof
      Roulof reacted to Beebop's post in the thread It is time...2005 F650 Dakar with Like Like.
      Been a slow week, but I did manage to get a few things so that I could get some work done on Saturday. Firstly got the 2.8mm Shim I...
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