Recent content by Sidpitt

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  1. Sidpitt

    For Sale YAMAHA TÉNÉRÉ 700

    'n Wit en Yamaha is nou maar net "the real deal". My sak laat net toe dat ek in die 1983 '84 & 85 modelle mag belangstel. Maar ek bel jou sodra ek die Lotto slaan.
  2. Sidpitt

    Black tuxedo.........

    Ek wens ek kon maar al wat my deesdae pas is my strikdas! Die res van daai "Black Tie" suit is useless!
  3. Sidpitt

    Thumperbash Koedoeskloof Ladismith 9,10 &11 August 2024

    We were contemplating doing that Rally Rampage event but quickly realised that our level of fitness was not as great as we thought and skill set was better utilised around the fire pit at Veldties place. (ALSO, it's moer expensive!) It looks like it's only going to be Crispy and myself this...
  4. Sidpitt

    Wanted 21” Front wheel for R1200GSA

    Do you still have these for sale?
  5. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Ok, anyone registering after tonight will not be allowed to complain about any of the arrangements as the food has been arranged, the booze sorted and the "speakertjie" arranged. We have 30 registrations and "the promise" of a few others who might pitch up on Saturday. Because of the low...
  6. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Guilty as charged! I haven't yet, but for good reason. I want to use you as our "Impact player" as one of our Bomb squad attendees. But yes, you have paid, the money does appear in the account abd I will update on Tuesday when I'm back in the country.
  7. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Tommy, are you moaning or bragging that you're so busy? Common man, surround yourself with good people! No drama or negativity. Good times and positive energy. Bringing out the absolute best in each other. You can do it Tommy........
  8. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    .all the other bridges in the area are "Beer Friendly" and worth a stop.
  9. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    One more registration to go....... then we'll be 21 and I'll open the bar! Here id a map of some of the roads that DON'T lead to Doornkloof anymore because they are either so stuffed and washed away that they are no longer roads or we've closed them to stop the redistribution of sheep in our...
  10. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Apologies Maddy, I had to be sure that the ink you use in Hennenman to print those Mandelas are of acceptable quality.;)
  11. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    Die vraag wat ons moet vra is...... Wil jy bike ry of wil jy ry en klaar ry sodat jy by lekker mense kan kom kuier? Nou moet jy mooi antwoord Pappie!
  12. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    @ Petri...... Me thinks that you thinks too much! Ry Arlington toe, kry jou "Heavy" en kom Doornkloof toe! Easy man!
  13. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    We could teach you, if you promise to keep practicing?
  14. Sidpitt

    "Get Together" - 13 - 15 October 2023 @ DOORNKLOOF - FREE STATE

    ATTENDANCE LIST = UPDATED (Sorrie booiz, ek bietjie stadig met die admin)
  15. Sidpitt

    Snake Photos

    As ek weer daar kom moet jy wydsbeen staan dat ek die size van jou "goens" sien want dis net iemand met grootes wat naby so slag sal kom.