Recent content by Stevie

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    Fishing magazines

    Various fishing magazines - SA Bass, Style Lyne etc Mahala - collection in Fourways Sean 083 94six 945six
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    The Suzuki DR350 Thread

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    For Sale 2 x DR350 + 3 bike trailer

    Jim is still going strong, albeit wheelchair bound and needing 24/7 care. Fortunately he is in Auz so care facilities are 1st world. His family have requested that I proceed with the sale of the bike and trailer to supplement his care fund.
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    For Sale 2 x DR350 + 3 bike trailer

    Thanks CP - white beak is Jimbo's 😎
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    For Sale 2 x DR350 + 3 bike trailer

    Change of circumstance necessitates sale 2 x DR 350's available Both with Ascerbis long range tanks (original tanks included) Bike with yellow beak - R22k Not registered, issue with unpaid licenses (previous owners - I found out too late. DOT back payment around R5k) Data dots 13k km Strong...
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    Wanted KLR Front Forks

    Circa 2009 model Need new front forks if anyone has a set available please. Sean 083 94six 945six
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    Sold 1998 Suzuki DR350se

    Affirmative Sir
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    Sold 1998 Suzuki DR350se

    Well those two bikes have ridden in tandem upwards of 30k km - if someone is up to a Hardcore Volcano Run, hit me up
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    Sold 1998 Suzuki DR350se

    I upgraded too - now have two... ...and I'm not a youngster
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    For Sale Scala Q1

    Bump - open to offers
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    Uneven wear on rear disc brake pads

    Would suggest using silicone paste to lube the pins, stands up well to the heat generated by the brakes.
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    For Sale Scala Q1

    Posting on behalf of Mother-out-law I charged it and connected it my phone, all seemed OK. I think you need to download an app to get all to work. Fourways area R1500 Cheers Sean 083 94six 945six
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    Seen Classic Honda bike collection

    For the serious Honda enthusiast - Some classic investment bikes becoming available for purchase. Details to follow as I get them from the owner. About 10 of 14 bikes available. Some pics for interest Sean 083 94six 945six