Recent content by tsa

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  1. T

    RIP Legadema

  2. T

    RIP Mat Durrans.

    RIP Matt
  3. T


    Welcome welcome
  4. T

    Transalp vs Africa Twin choices

    The info does help with perspective, thanks.
  5. T

    Transalp vs Africa Twin choices

    My fellow Wild Dogs My upfront apologies for the long note.. I am in need of some guidance as I seemingly have some crap luck with dealerships these days. No this will not be bashing on dealers.. I truly need some guidance. Recently I could have made some better purchasing decisions hahahaha.😁...
  6. T

    Helmets - are they status symbols? (POLL ADDED)

    I see some of the makes on that list are of questionable origin :laughing4: would you wear one from those chinese makes??
  7. T

    Helmets - are they status symbols? (POLL ADDED)

    While I do believe that some of the more expensive brands are better in quality, I also do believe that some of the cheaper helments do offer excellent protection. Years and years ago I was planted into the side of a car that skipped a yield sign.... my lafe helmet took a big knock, had it...
  8. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    "should see whatever is out there" but DO they actually see........ How many times have you heard the excuse "I did not see you" after an accident?
  9. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    Fact is that going orange is one option.... however some guys have been given crap by metro for having a cover that "difuses" the light. I feel that these campaigns are good and I support them, but this one I feel have not taken all facts into consideration.
  10. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    I disagree, if you sit on the highway and you see 20 cars in your rearview mirror with their lights on and a bike filters through traffic at a distance, how will you distiguish it headlight from all the other vehicles? If hundreds of cars around you in daytime have their lights on, the bike's...
  11. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    Agree about Dawn and Dusk....... what about times when the sun is shining?
  12. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    Firstly, the campain is aimed at reducing the number of pedestrian an car accidents...... Are we not road users aswell? Then a certain talk show host says on radio he does not believe our (motorcyclists) reasoning for not accepting the campain. The campain was based on a study in Sweden, not our...
  13. T

    Lead SA Headlight

    I agree fully.... however this will be law enforcement, this is a Lead SA campain that have already been launched and listening to 94.7 and 702 this morning is widely accepted by motorists without really thinking about the bikes, so they will go ahead and switch their lights on.... too late for...