Recent content by Welsh

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  1. Welsh

    A day in the workshop ...

    Not attending to it when it starts to Rumble, the BMW R1150 boxers do it, the intermediate shaft bearing starts to rumble (stops when you pull the clutch in) and if ignored it collapses (or punches a hole through the casing). :cool:
  2. Welsh

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    I think she has emerged and still thinks I am a Count. :rolleyes:
  3. Welsh

    Life in America - We made the move.

    We are a bit further North Mrs Z, about halfway up the Border, do a Google of Powis Castle it is/was a favourite weekend spot for King Charles years ago as it is still a residential Castle. (y) We generally knew if Charles was around, unusual heavies nonchalantly standing at intersections in...
  4. Welsh

    Old forum nostalgia pictures

    I was there to witness the act. :rolleyes:
  5. Welsh

    Life in America - We made the move.

    You like your art Mrs Zog, I saw this story from the local town "weekly liar" I grew up in sight of Powis Castle where the tapestry is from, it was woven in 1545 I think, you would love the grounds and gardens, they have the highest "Yew" hedges in the UK I think, the Castle was the Ancestral of...
  6. Welsh

    Wossner piston: Feed back from those who did it please

    They are famous for it.
  7. Welsh

    A day in the workshop ...

    And it will not get better as they get older, early ones are over 20 years old. :rolleyes:
  8. Welsh

    Dullstroom bike safety issues

    We had a good size R1150GS group in Barberton, we were the only guests I reckon in the Hotel, we had dinner and about 2 beers and the owner said good night and closed the bar at about 19:00 he could have made a killing, but no. :rolleyes:
  9. Welsh

    BMW swingarm; is this replaceable ? cant find the name of it on the net.

    I have used him, very good. (y)
  10. Welsh

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    I have seen on ADV Rider in the USA in the HP2 section "this bike was originally a Mega Moto" but I guess it just depends on how much you are willing to change out. :rolleyes:
  11. Welsh

    HP2's Bikes and Parts For Sale

    They are so Pissy that they are not getting the Kove 450 Rallye. :ROFLMAO:
  12. Welsh

    Royal Enfield South Africa

    Khazi brown sounds about right. 🙄
  13. Welsh

    Little joys

    My ex boss (Austrian) lived on a plot, with a Big male Rottie called “Benson” naturally being a plot there was the odd rat around, so to escape Benson, a rat took refuge in the engine bay of my bosses company Mercedes, so Benson tried to get to the rat, through the radiator grill and then...
  14. Welsh

    HP2's Bikes and Parts For Sale

    I may pop in and have a look it is about 4km from my office. :geek:
  15. Welsh

    Life in America - We made the move.

    In my previous Working Life, I was lucky that I travelled to Europe often, so I could manipulate my arrangements and pop across the channel and have a long weekend at my mum's a few times a year on the company, it helps. (y) So I generally settled on KLM, it worked to get to Dusseldorf or...