Recent content by Wildwindfr

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  1. Wildwindfr

    New Bike Day! SYM NHT300

    Hi, yes the 250 vstrom It is a bit bigger than the SYM, I am around 5'10 and the SYM is a tight fit. At your size the strom may be a better fit. Best is to sit or even ride both and see
  2. Wildwindfr

    New Bike Day! SYM NHT300

    Hi, no major issues, done almost 11000km alreydy Only issue I had has been my fork seals, cost me R220 and had someone I know help with the installation and the oil at R210 Average over 30km/ liter and can cruise at 120 to 130 with no issues Very happy this far, not sure if the Suzuki is any...
  3. Wildwindfr

    Sold 2008 SUZUKI DRZ400E - 14 000 KM - INCLUDES BIG TANK - R45 000

    Pity there is no budget, I would love to try one of these someday! Glws
  4. Wildwindfr

    My Honda CRF250L ownership experience

    Daai Sonplaas is so 6km van my huis af Daar is seker lekker sandkolle op daai pad? Ek het dit lanklaas self gery, op n stadium baie met die bergfiets gery.
  5. Wildwindfr

    My Honda CRF250L ownership experience

    Hi, is daai naby die Sonplaas verby Kuscke?
  6. Wildwindfr

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Hi, ja, die agter band is die K270, voor is n Pirelli Scorpio STR Ek het R1600 betaal vir die Kenda as ek reg kan onthou
  7. Wildwindfr

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Geen grondpad waarvan ek weet deur Magoebas nie. Daai pad is waar ek lunch gahad het is die ou Agatha pad van Georges valley af. Daar is wel grondpaai van die wolkberg to Heanertsburg
  8. Wildwindfr

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Baie beter op die grond, die Kenda was bietjie los deur Magoebas, maar die pad was baie nat.
  9. Wildwindfr

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    A quick 420km round trip for a project at Hippo Pools between Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit. Magoebaskloof and Georges valley was wet as usual. Did not take may photosSunrise this morning as I left home. Roan just before the Mica Tjunction Lunch stop on the old Agatha road, Georges Valley.(Russian...
  10. Wildwindfr

    Is the Metzler Karoo 4 available in 110 80 19?

    was also looki g into this a couple of weeks back, but could not find. Doesnt look like that size is available.
  11. Wildwindfr

    Sym NHT200 Ownership Experience

    May be a good idea, dont rush or a tab will break. Plastic is hard
  12. Wildwindfr

    Sym NHT200 Ownership Experience

    As said, a lot of screws, it is 1 of the negatives of the bike. Had to take the fairing of to make space for tools so I could take of my forks. I did the forkseals yesterday with the help of a more experienced person. Got sand into them after a drop in December. Just started leaking more and...
  13. Wildwindfr

    Photo of the day

    Nou dat ek dink kan dit eerder die Elderberry wees! Sal.more vir vroulief vra, sy slaap al!
  14. Wildwindfr

    Photo of the day

    Hi, ek raak altyd deurmekaar met die name. My vrou is die een wat plant, ek is cheap labour. As ek reg onthou is dit "hucleberry" . N mens kan blykbaar wyn maak van die vrugte. Jy Kan eers na 5 jaar begin oes as ek reg onthou. Dis nou hulle 2de seisoen.
  15. Wildwindfr

    Photo of the day

    This afternoon. Rainbow with a rainstorm and just before sunset, clouds over the hills.