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DEON 1190

Race Dog
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
KTM 1190 Adventure
I am ! when it comes to kit I started off with non branded , and slowly moved to branded , bought one piece of branded kit ( POWER WEAR ) and the rest is history as they say. I have some non branded left , sold most .
Due to huge cost of new , most was bought used , but after a wash you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between new and mine .
Reason for the post is that my friend bought a new toy and need to buy new kit , had branded as he works in corporate . So we went shopping this past weekend (eyes only) :)
Non branded had some choices , no argument , but the branded somehow just fitted and looked better . but as mentioned , he has no option to go non branded . Also opens one eyes as to the bargains I acquired , my current kit box is insured at about 75k , my insurance is aware that I WONT be wearing all in one go , but if there was a total loss some how , my stuff has been noted .
Have you checked the replacement cost of what you wear on a daily base? new prices is pretty scary .
Back to the branded kit , yes it very orange in some cases , but always when it comes to quality it seems to be top notch , and this goes for all branded kit .
To get close to what you have branded in the non branded with all the features is not easy .
I must admit the "window shopping " is pretty amazing , the itch to have new is super hard to depress , but once outside the shop and the motor goes Braaaaaaaap , then it all smiles and the new stuff slightly forgotten .