Where has your bike taken you today?

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I zigzagged so much today I am somme dizzy now!!! :p

Groot Vader.jpg

My right pannier have had lots of food in it on trips, but NONE as fresh as today!! 😜 Found this day old girl on the side of the road hiding in some bush. Sat with her in my arms for half an hour thinking if I really wanted a lamb in our bed if I take her home to the misses!!! 😬 Luckily I came to me senses and drove a kilo and a half back to where the nearest ewes were grazing and dropped her over the fence. She promptly wanted to come back to me!! :oops: I hi-tailed it out there!! Will she find her mom? No chance, but hope she finds a tit she can steal from. 🐑🍼
Lam 1.jpg
Lam 2.jpg
Chris, is jy nie bang jou waterbottel verloor nie? Ek probeer uitwerk waar jy gery het maar my kopkaart trek 'n nul. Maar dis in elk geval pragtig.

.... daai rekke is baie styf, maar ja daar is altyd n eerste keer ...

Daai eertse foto is op die Leeufonteinpad ( wes vd SAPD berede sentrum) .... rigting wes ...
… ons het die “light duty squad ” girls uitgehad vandag … hulle mag nou weer begin ry na hulle prangs … lesse geleer oor ystervark gate en om nie deur gate in grondpaaie te “jaag “ nie 🤭 … bly die meisie kinders is weer vol selfvertroue … tawwe girls


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... OK suidwes van Heidelberg (Kaap)
Van my af gery wes en toe deur Slangrivier oor N2 gespring rigting Groot Vadersbosch en voor hom weer suid geswenk en ruk later weer oos en toe rigting Heidelberg en voor hom weer links tot by N2. 5 kilos op hom toe weer regsaf en toe so paar zigzags huistoe. Amper met n skoon bike by die huis gekom behalwe vir daai modderpoel wat ek moes deur!!! 😬 Sal maar more moet af spuit, boots is klaar skoon.
I am not shy to admit I am SERIOUSLY envious!! Two areas I would love to ride: Peru/Bolivia/Chile/Argentina and the Khazakstan/Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar).

Is this a holiday village or how do those few inhabitants make a living? Such a beautiful country.

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Well don't forget, yer a long time dead and there's no pockets in a shroud. I'd also like to do the 'Stans', but the time of year that it's best to visit we're working.

The hamlet is Ardmair, and I think all the houses are now holiday rentals.