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  1. kalahariben

    Wanted: BMW R80 or R100 GS - any flavour

    Thanks Bobnob - eish - I've spoken to the seller & he has unfortunately already sold his GS... pity - was a good price (will be great if I can get away with something between R20k and R30k).
  2. kalahariben

    Wanted: BMW R80 or R100 GS - any flavour

    Ok - I realise my request borders on impossible, but I am looking for any flavour R80 or R100 GS - in any condition (so long as price corresponds). Eventual purpose is to use it as a 2nd bike for the real off-road stuff (...don't want to put my Kalahari through too much punishment for...
  3. kalahariben

    What's the best bike in the world?

    Best bike ever? Most definately, without a single shadow of a doubt, undeniably ... BMW R80GS Kalahari - unfortunately only 55 units ever built. - Dashing good looks - Indestructable boxer engine - Torque like a tractor - 21 inch fron wheel - 36L petrol tank - White Power shock
  4. kalahariben

    Sillystunt Down

    Brother Steve - hope you get better soon! I only recently learned of your mishap - Thanks Bernice for calling back - shows you that someone is sometimes in your thought for a very specific reason... Please let me know if I can help you guys with absolutely anything - hey I have a fresh roll of...
  5. kalahariben

    -> Long Way Down to Agulhas (and Cape Town)

    Hmm - yes - the standing thing... My Kalahari seat is absolutely spectacularly comfortable - so standing only required when things get REALLY tough (Im a lazy rider... standing seems like effort). So I guess the standing thing should be based on how comfortable your seat is rather that when /...
  6. kalahariben

    Monthly off-road run

    No brother - some of the route trekked over some farmland - we did some pretty serious sand riding - deep 2-track sand ditches that someone at some stage called a road. Didn't get pics of the sand riding as we had to hold on to the handlebars for dear life...
  7. kalahariben

    Monthly off-road run

    Yep - it happened again: I sent out an invite and some people rocked up to ride with me and Eugene (grammar correction - Eugene and I). Met at Harties, headed out along the kanaal, then headed north in the direction of Rooiberg. Encountered some seriously soft sand on one of the farms that we...
  8. kalahariben

    CMA/Riverside Mixer fundraiser event

    Hey guys! Thanks for a lekke day - I think everything worked out brilliantly at the end, despite the loss of the GPS track, the couple of spills etc. Sorry that I left so early - the wife had some family over from Germany, so I had to go sort the logistics. Leo - glad to hear they had...
  9. kalahariben

    Monthly breakfast run: Sunday 28 January

    Lekke - the more the merrier - always nice to see the mix of dualsport bikes.
  10. kalahariben

    Monthly breakfast run: Sunday 28 January

    Excellent! Remember to bring your sarmie & Zamalek - we'll stop somewhere to do bike-talk & lunch - oh yes - also remember your sun cream & rain suit - you never know what to expect this time of year...
  11. kalahariben

    Monthly breakfast run: Sunday 28 January

    ...most of the route will be dirt - the only dilemma is to get from the Touratech HQ to the turn-off towards Groblersdal. So I guess you can reckon on approx. 300 km's dirt, depending whether you want to head back to Pta via tar or via dirt...
  12. kalahariben

    Monthly breakfast run: Sunday 28 January

    Hi all! Ok - here's the plan for the breakfast run this Sunday: - Rendezvouz: Touratech HQ (you can find address & map at - Time: meet at 06h30 - we'll depart at 07h00 sharp (please ensure that you have a full tank of petrol) - Bring: sarmie...
  13. kalahariben

    Monthly offroad breakfast run - 15 October 2006

    Hey thanks all for participating in the run - thanks especially to Leo for leading the route, and Gunner for the ride report. As it goes in life, one should learn (or at least try to learn) from all experiences in life - I have definately learnt a couple of things from Sunday's ride, and will...
  14. kalahariben

    BMW R100GS PD-Classic

    ...imagine one could have 2 bikes - one that's a collector's item, and one that you can use for al purposes. I must however say that there PDs are EXTREMELY capable - I rode a Kalahari for many year and can vouch for that... So go sell your 1150s etc. - end go back to the basics - this bike...
  15. kalahariben

    Monhly off-road breakfast run - Sunday 15 October

    No problem Leo - ek het die 2 manne op my lys - no problemo. Pierrer - sharp ou maat - jy;s nie te laat nie - ek het jou naam oombliklik opgesit vir die ride en braai. Sien julle ouens Sondag. Cheer vir eers.
  16. kalahariben

    Monhly off-road breakfast run - Sunday 15 October

    Ja-nee - elke ou ry op sy eie tempo - jy kan gerus soveel keer stop om kiekies te neem as wat jou memory kaart in jou kamera spasie het. Ag nee-wat - dis nie regtig grend nie- elke ou pitch maar op met sy fiets en kit wat hy het - Doring jy sal sommer check my scooter is sekerlik die mees...
  17. kalahariben

    BMW R100GS PD-Classic

    R100GS PD-Classic for sale: If you are interested, you can contact Andreas at [email protected] Mileage: 63000km Model: 1996 BMW R100GS PD-Classic Price: R47 000 (will also consider other reasonable offers) Extras: Ohlins shock (rear) Wirth fork springs Double disc front brake HPN rear...
  18. kalahariben

    Monhly off-road breakfast run - Sunday 15 October

    No problems Bud - ek sit jou naam summier op - sien jou Sondag! Ons is nou al so 35 mense wat gaan saamry - en so 28 wat gaan braai na die tyd - eish dit gaan lekker wees.
  19. kalahariben

    Monhly off-road breakfast run - Sunday 15 October

    Sharp-sharp - I've added you to the list - I think it's going to be a lekke ride. Leon's right - it's a very easy ride - the only bit that will take a bit of concentration is the stretch up Breedts nek (fortunately, however, the road seems to be freshly scraped, so there aren't any rocks etc...
  20. kalahariben

    Monhly off-road breakfast run - Sunday 15 October

    Hey cool Gunner - C U next Sunday!