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  1. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Very good idea indeed. My good friend Stefan (ex CountryTrax videographer - now camera man on the Voetspore epics) might be persuaded to do something for us... Let me ask him, clear it with Ted and of course Bavarian. Will let you know...
  2. kalahariben

    When the Kalahari comes to Beemer Man.....

    I am indeed the extremely proud owner of a 1997 R80GS Kalahari. The one I now own is my 2nd (the 1st was bought by an Italian gentleman who rode it back to Italy with his wife on the back). Bought mine with 19000km on - paid 40k at the time, and managed to get my hands on panniers coming off...
  3. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Heita Superdave! Net `n plesier - 'I aim to please'. Ek is bitter bly dat daar so `n goeie 'response' is vir oom Ted se besoek :-)
  4. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Sirjas? How did you hook up with him?
  5. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    I recently found a rather nicely written article on the web - seems as if Uwe Wachtendorf had an insightful interview with Ted. Herewith the article: He is nothing if not a contradiction: Motorcycling’s most famous globetrotter is not even that keen on motorcycling. Uwe Wachtendorf makes a...
  6. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Excellent! See you there :-) I think the big thing for me will be to meet and socialise with him - Bavarian will of course ensure that there are ample refreshments available at both events - especially the bar at Centurion will serve its purpose well :-) :-)
  7. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    I must apologise to the Cape guys - I really tried to include Cape Town in Ted's itinerary, but time just did not allow :-( By hey - I'm sure there are some flight specials...I can even arrange a drinks evening up here in Pretoria especially for the Cape guys attending...
  8. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Why not Kulula up to come meet him? I'm sure one of the Dogs will be able to provide accommodation...? (I would have offered, but my house will be a bit full with Ted staying over). I'll buy you a beer :-)
  9. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    ...considering the limited time that Ted has available (he's busy writing a new book), my options were a little bit limited in terms of SA cities. I'll however take him for a bush experience - he also indicated that he'd like to go visit a friend in Durban. Alas - it would have been nice to take...
  10. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    PS - is Ted's official website.
  11. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Yep - Ted is indeed the original legend. The Charley & Ewan trips were in fact inspired by him - you'll e.g. notice an appearance by Ted on the Long Way Round DVD (I think when they are in Budapest or somewhere they hook up with him...). In conversation with him, it seems that he is extremely...
  12. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Hi there everybody In 1973 a 46-year-old Ted Simon embarked on a four-year, 125,000km, 45 country globe circumnavigation on a 500cc Triumph Tiger. He would retrace the route of that journey 24 years later on a BMW R80GS at the age of 70. Jupiter’s Travels and Dreaming of Jupiter aptly depict...
  13. kalahariben

    Leo's 2010 Parys DeAar Adventure rally

    Hi there everybody! Thanks for an awesome ride report Leo! As usual you managed to capture the event in it's entirety, portrayed with flavour and eloquence. I must say that it was indeed an adventure: even the guys that have done each of the 3 trips thoroughly enjoyed the ride: I try to...
  14. kalahariben

    BMW R 80 G/S - let's discuss

    I'm on my 2nd Kalahari: 'upgraded' to an 1100, but very quickly longed for old-school bliss again... The Kalahari was the result of a bunch of local BMW guys wanting to put the last of the R80GS into the market with the mod-cons that the guys usually make at home already done (36L tank...
  15. kalahariben

    Bavarian Motorcycles: Parys De Aar Adventure Rally 2010

    Gentlemen (-and ladies) - apologies - had some connectivity issues - but herewith some response / stats: - Entries: I am unfortunately fully booked for this year, but please send your e-mail address and details to [email protected] if interested in next year's event - Main sponsors...
  16. kalahariben

    Bavarian Motorcycles: Parys De Aar Adventure Rally 2010

    Die beauty van die hele konsep is dat enige ou met enige fiets kan join: hierdie jaar is daar Kawasaki, KTM en BMW. Ek wil graag dat iemand ook een jaar join met `n CJ750 of so iets - `n Vespa kan even ook cool wees (wetie of iemand kans sien vir 2200km op `n Vespa nie...).
  17. kalahariben

    Bavarian Motorcycles: Parys De Aar Adventure Rally 2010

    It's hard to believe (it feels like the 2009 event was just the other day...), but the next iteration of the annual Parys De Aar Adventure Rally is set to happen again VERY soon: 30 intrepid adventure seekers are set to meander from Parys to the Northern Cape town of De Aar next weekend. I am...
  18. kalahariben

    Bavarian Motorrad: Are they moving soon?

    Hi guys The rumour is indeed true: Bavarian Motorcycles (Pta CBD) is moving to Centurion (also see press release detail below). By implication the CBD branch will cease to exist. I'll definately buzz on over to the new dealership for the opening (1st weekend in May) with my trusty old...
  19. kalahariben

    The R80 and R100 G/S Monolever and Paralever Owner's Club

    Hi there everybody! I am the proud owner of a 1997 R80GS Kalahari. 36L tank Plastic BMW panniers Bridgestone Trail Wing tyres Touratech GPS bracket + Garmin 60Cx Handlebar risers Touratech footpeg lowering kit Otherwise stock standard Can I pleae be added to the club list?
  20. kalahariben

    Super Saturday: Bavarian Motorcycles (East - Silver Lakes)

    ...considering the professional way the Bavarian guys usually approach things (ok ok I'm a bit biased since they helped me A LOT with the Parys De Aar Adventure Rally), Saturday promises to be a blast! I'm especially excited about the wheelie machine - in the past airtime on the machine used to...