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  1. B

    Shifting becoming difficult

    Hi guys,  I've just replaced my clutch and having the same problems. I'm 99.9% sure the clutch was installed correctly,  I followed the workshop manual to the letter, double checked everything,  torqued everything to spec. At higher speeds the gear charges are as they always were,  but shifting...
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    Parking smucks

    You should WhatsApp the pic to QASA as discussed in this thread
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Don't think so,  we did pass there,  but only later in the day.
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Thanks Jonathan,  will see if I can find an app to read those files
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Yeah thanks guys,  had great fun and looking forward to the next one  :ricky: Thinking of going to the sandy spot off Sandown road some time this week if anyone is keen on practicing on a bit of the soft stuff. Will let you know closer to the time.
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Cool no problem,  see you guys at 9.
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Are you joining us tomorrow Wynand? Want me to bring that swimming vest along?
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    I'm fine with anything after 7:30
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Sounds good to me  :thumleft:
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    I'm in Bothasig
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    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Hah, yup hopefully in the near future. When I hear the word or think of sand then I get a sharp stabbing pain in my head, and dollar signs start dancing in front of my eyes. I know of a small sandy spot off Sandown rd that I'll go practice on a bit first... baby steps
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Sounds like a plan  :thumleft: When and where shall we meet?
  13. B

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Wow grego, you don't mess around when stripping the bike! So got my bike up and running again, was fun getting to tinker around with it  :ricky:
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    Little outride near Kuils river

    Hi Wynand, I'm keen for a leisurely ride tomorrow.  Perhaps we can give the route that Lem suggested a go?
  15. B

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Got the parts this afternoon,  letting the plates soak overnight and will install first thing tomorrow morning. So if all goes well I'll be back on two wheels by 9  :thumleft: How things going on your side grego?
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    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    I'll definitely put the whole set in, what I meant is I may keep the old 'good' ones (coated in oil). Obviously if something happens in future first prize would be to replace it all again, but you never know if there may be a situation where you desperately need to just get the bike going in...
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    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    If the plates are salvageable, from what I recall is that the two outer plates are the same,  and the 7 inner plates are the same.  So at least I'll have a bunch of spares for future if only a few fail  :thumleft:
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    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Great to hear you managed to get the selector fork so quickly, means you vshould be ready for Sunday  ;)
  19. B

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    I've got a manual and browsed youtube,  seems easy enough even for someone with my limited abilities. Drained and stripped it today, all but the outer most friction plate seem ok, they're all pretty dark in colour though,  not sure if that's normal or a sign of them being overheated (or a bit...
  20. B

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    So, I phoned around today,  and no-one has aftermarket clutch parts for the 650, all referred me back to BMW. Placed my order, parts should arrive tomorrow, a tidy sum of R4.5k for the parts alone  :crybaby2: Want to learn more about bikes so thought nows as good a time as any to start,  so...