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  1. W

    Spot the location!

    Lyk my die manne se fotos loop leeg.
  2. W

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    A bit outdated... pretty much still a puppy there.
  3. W

    Spot the location!

  4. W

    Spot the location!

    Naby Kleinpoort?
  5. W

    Spot the location!

    te maklik ;D
  6. W

    Spot the location!

    Nou ja toe, dan begin ek met n maklike een
  7. W

    Spot the location!

    Skies man, hoe werk die storie?  Een wat reg raai post volgende?
  8. W

    More pics of the 1200GS WC on the Rooi Els road

    Thanks!  Ja 2924 is the only pic I have tried fill-in flash, but liked the natural light option better... I used one location flash head without any light shapers.   The other shots I played with the shadows and dark areas in photoshop. The Ducati shoot I used one head as well, but with a...
  9. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Dis mos lekker om so bietjie te trek!
  10. W


  11. W


    We filled up at the beginning of the Great North, on the corner of the T3 (coming from Lusaka) and the T2 (Great North)  Then Serenje, then Mpika... Just to give you an idea.. from the the beginning of the Great North to Mpika is 440km.. easy.  80km after Mpika we turned north to Kapisha...
  12. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Roer maar daai pot! ;)  Why don't KTM 1190 riders ever wave back?  Because their hands are numb from the vibration.  :pot:
  13. W

    Spot the location!

    Kan dit dalk die spoorpad tussen Lambertsbaai en Papendorp wees...dink dit begin by Doringbaai?  Of is ek nog heeltemal te suid?
  14. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Yip, I only changed the front springs to ohlin's progressive springs.. day and night diffs
  15. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    True, but your righthand thumb doesn't do much at all.  It feels so natural and I'm sure most pre 2013 gs riders would agree.  Maybe we are spoiled in a way and now have to adapt a little bit...which is not a train smash, but completely unnecessary to change something that worked so damn well. ...
  16. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Haha, I do have some pics of the bike here: and some riding pics here:
  17. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    The gearbox is much smoother than the previous model, actually fantastic, it just works the way it should.  Cannot really compare it to the 800 but if I had to choose one I'd go with the new 1200's drivetrain.  Size wise I would say it's a much leaner bike.  Also the inner leg curve of the...
  18. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Now that makes sense!  At least from a rider point of view, as your thumb is naturally near the bottom part of the controls.  From a safety point of view the hooter must be in closer reach I guess.
  19. W

    1200GS lc not so popular on WD

    Haha, I enjoyed the one on each side.. very clever and very user friendly.. The complaints faded as people got over themselves and used to the better way.  Change is always good when its for the better but now BMW have not only stepped backwards... also a flaw in their design with a...
  20. W


    Also get carnets for most countries.  Best is to go to a AA-travel.  They will sort out quick quick.