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  1. G


    Welcome to the forum and enjoy the ride.
  2. G

    there was a sign it said "post here i am new"

    Welcome and enjoy the ride. :wink:
  3. G

    Hi all i am Captain Slow...........

    Welcome and enjoy the ride. :wink:
  4. G

    delayed introduction

    Welcome and enjoy the ride. :wink:
  5. G

    New member

    Welcome Lance and enoy the ride. :wink:
  6. G

    NEW OAK from the Lowveld

    Welcome and enjoy the ride.
  7. G

    Stag Rally '07

    I would caution that some of the photies may cause your screen to burst into flames. :shock: I almost caught a serious eye infection from standing too close to the stage myself :oops: ........... and Leo was reallllly close :D
  8. G

    Dulstrrom, Lydenburg and Pilgrims...Our first trip!!!

    Hey Ratel, great ride report. Seems that there is a healthy number of 1200GSA's gathering in Centurion! Leo Myself (Gunner) FortyZA Ratel any more?
  9. G

    Hier kom groot K@K!!

    Such a waste of a beautiful bike - they'll all be scrap by mid year! :cry: Heard that the Bonkhorstspruit Metro's have invested in a squad of ZX14's to pursue errant breakfast run bikers in their area - now that's a frightening thought! :shock:
  10. G

    Oh no, not another NOOBIE!

    Welcome and enjoy the ride. Nothing wrong with that BM of yours - great bike, I'd love to have one in my garage! :wink:
  11. G

    The long ANTICIPATED intro of BEACHBUM

    Welcome Beachbum and enjoy the ride. Just switched from a DL650 V-Strom to a 1200 GSA myself in December. Enjoy the new bike!
  12. G

    New to the forum

    Ah a quiet day on the forum I see....... Welcome and enjoy the ride.
  13. G

    Stag Rally '07

    What happens at the Rally, stays at the Rally......... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  14. G

    BriMenWee... what they up to?

    Myself and three others from work have entered the event. By last friday there were only 30 of the 100 place left according to the organisers. Looks good on paper and the Sabie area is a good place for a weekend break-away anyway. I don't think that it is meant to rival the GSC event at all.
  15. G

    Proud new owner

    Congrats, she looks real pretty. 8)
  16. G

    Hi from Italy!

    Welcome to the forum, looking forward to ride reports from Italy.
  17. G

    Stag Rally '07

    I can see that this is going to be a wet one........ :twisted:
  18. G

    Stag Rally '07

    I thought that if I used "gap" instead of "breach" the interpretation would be safe....oh well....nice gap though. :D
  19. G

    Not the day for Soopabikes in Jozi!!!

    They ran an article in the newspaper on the issue. Apparently the contact came to an end and they could not agree on the renewal - so the company involved simply removed all there cameras. :D :D If you have a Garmin that can handel POI's, go to and download the speed traps /...
  20. G

    Stag Rally '07

    Once more into the gap dear friends, once more into the gap..... :twisted: