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  1. navigator

    800 GS's worst nightmare - Tiger 800XC

    Best and truest biking quote ever :thumleft: :thumleft: My tuppence: I think the 880XC is going to take sales from my beloved KTM as well due to the character of the triple and (most importantly for someone who grew up in Orkney like myself) the SOUND of the motor :mwink:
  2. navigator


    Coles - there is more character locked up in those few pics of your (lekka) RR than in all our riding group pictures combined :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: Lets face it - the guys on the group pics just look like real honest to goodness LEGENDS! :thumleft: This is...
  3. navigator

    Rallye Raid 2011.

    Lightning - most (if not all) of the falling is actually falling over - very little high speed stuff. Thus you actually NEED help after a few hours of riding!! But then not everyone falls over as many times as me - it would seem that my beerbelly is constantly pulling me off my bike!!
  4. navigator

    Rallye Raid 2011.

    Old school to the core my brou!
  5. navigator

    KTM 300 EXC 2008

    forgive & forget
  6. navigator

    Fish river run

  7. navigator

    Rallye Raid 2011.

    En bring al julle maats vir:  lag - ry - val om - lag - sweet (perspiration type "sweet") - lag - asemrowende berge - sweet - drink - lag - rev - lag - drink - ens. ens. ens. :thumleft: Chicco - ek hoop nie ek is teleurgesteld as ek eindelik jou avatar persoonlikheid by jou ware een sien...
  8. navigator

    KTM 950 wanted - Gauteng

    het jy al gekry Bollie?
  9. navigator

    My masker stamp teen jou ding!

    Dabbel - jy ritverslag is amper net so oulik as wat jou ritmaatjie (op die oog af) lyk! Goeie werk ou vrind - doe zo voort :thumleft:
  10. navigator

    Rallye Raid 2011.

  11. navigator

    EDGY,Big Dom,motorrad thanks

    all you neede was a tjoep my bra :mwink: :mwink: :mwink: :mwink:
  12. navigator

    Most difficult bike in sand?

    Ja Mof... en ons almal weet daai fix is 'n 990 :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
  13. navigator

    Baviaanskloof - Bacchus en KanaalAap stap uit.........

    Lekker ene - nice foto's en lekker geskryf!! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
  14. navigator

    How much should a 1994 GS1100 go for?

    Looney - jy gaan spyt wees as jy nie daai bike koop nie - dis iets spesiaals!!
  15. navigator

    Classic bikes in Cape Town

    Was like that in the UK as well - has changed now over there - hopefully as all us late 70's  - early 80's boykies can start living our dreams like ratra it will all change and the worlrld will see the Japbikes for the gold it is.....
  16. navigator

    Is a straight swop 1200GSA to 990 Adv a good deal?

    If you are under 68 years of age you should be on a KTM anyway - heck you can even ride one if you're 69 or older but then you need an interesting personality and an adventerous spirit! :mwink: :mwink: :mwink: :3some: :3some:
  17. navigator

    Does PE need a good KTM workshop?

    Faark - I must then be the least demanding customer on earth!! To be fair F5  - the missing molar mullet mac is also ably assisted by a very experienced ex BMW mac and led by a ex BMW workshop foreman (albeit young). They have made a mistake here and there but absolutely nothing major - on the...
  18. navigator

    Classic bikes in Cape Town

    F2kn doos - ek haat jou!!
  19. navigator

    Can it be possible to ride my GS in places where KTMs are riding?

    GS cannot go everywhere a KTM (even with a newbie riding it) can. That was the serious question Trex asked and I feel we owe him an honest answer. Also - STOP hijacking this fred - MODS pleeze act! Lets keep to the point about the GS not being able to go everywhere - it is a valid point and...