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  1. M

    Air Boxes

    No - just the filter - to a Unifilter
  2. M

    F650GS Twin not starting. Found here ->
  3. M

    "General Failure" after filling up - 1190S

    Mine does this if I let it get very empty (not full like yours) - it comes right after a few kms. I suspect that the fuel sender is dicky.
  4. M

    F800gs wiring diagram

    Drop me a PM with your email address.
  5. M

    Clutch plates (cheap)

    Thanks - I put a reference here as well.  :thumleft:
  6. M

    Heated grip repair

    I don't remember where I saw it, but recall that there is an OEM grip for the 1100GS or 1150GS that was not heated that fitted. Sorry that I cant be more specific. I do recall that it was not at all expensive.
  7. M

    Bikes with Spotlights

    This thread should be merged :
  8. M

    Draining coolant

    Eish - not even close. - Put the bike on the center stand - Take off the faux tank cover  and right hand side panel - remove the coolant reservoir and drain it, then screw it back on - Remove the radiator cap - Remove the drain bolt in the front of the engine (down and to the right of the...
  9. M

    fuel tank safety valve

    Never seen that before
  10. M

    Losing Power

    This definitely sounds like the faulty fuel pump symptoms.
  11. M


    To echo Manic, "No" - caveat is of course what our esteemed political leaders do to our currency.
  12. M


    You got ripped - I paid R160K for my Adventure in Jan 2015 (incl 1 yr maintenance plan). I do however think that the R was quite a bit more at the time.
  13. M

    1190R and 1290 suspension.

    Are the ones that you have seen (seen yourself, or on the internet?) all been 1190 R's - I am not saying that this cant happen to the S, but rather that I have not seen it yet - which could be because an S rider is less likely to ride the bike overly aggressively off-road - simply because it's...
  14. M

    2009 F800GS Instrument Cluster Swop

    They are not coded as such, but you do need to take it in to BMW to sync the kms stored in the ECU with the cluster.
  15. M

    Very hot seat and legs

    I also have a set from RAD - also not spectacular quality, but works for me - not had fading fortunately. If you want a quality set, look at those from Wings - but be prepared to pay.
  16. M

    Pannier advice

    Fair point and one assumes that they would have done so for good reason.  :thumleft:
  17. M

    Pannier advice

    I don't buy it ... at the time that he comes off the throttle, there are no appreciable vibrations, he then proceeds to come off and on the throttle erratically, with a lot of associated vibration. Draw a line in the graph where he comes off the throttle and drag it slowly to the right - to the...
  18. M

    Pannier advice

    I have had no issues with stability with the panniers attached and loaded (2 up, Motec mounts, Trax 37l boxes). They do however push up your fuel consumption and they do stand quite proud of the bike - so lane-split with care. I can say that the KTM Powerparts Alu topbox does generate headshake...