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  1. M

    Pumping the front tyre!? 19inch problem

    I carry one if these in my tank bag.
  2. M


    I'm with JonW here. I don't donate to any fund or trust - I donate where I have 100% direct control over who my money goes to and exactly how much of my money goes there.
  3. M

    wanted 800 gs parts..

    PM sent on the levers.
  4. M

    Help needed - BMW does not want to start in the mornings

    I recommend that you get them to give you a copy of the job card and that the diagnosis and resolution is properly documented thereon. If this was an EWS failure, it is highly unlikely that the temperature would make any difference, and the EWS message would be displayed on your console...
  5. M

    Help needed - BMW does not want to start in the mornings

    Eish! When you collected it, what did they say they found was wrong?
  6. M

    The driveway incident...

    Done already - some idiot at Microsoft knocked it over in their car park while I was in a meeting there. They picked it up and pretended nothing happened. I was halfway back to the office before I saw the scratches on the screen and crash bars because it was on the non-sidestand side. Still...
  7. M

    The driveway incident...

    I think it was Tweets that gave me sound advice many years ago : when you get a new adventure bike, pull it into your driveway and bliksem it over, pick it up and bliksem it over the other way - then you are over it and you can get on with life enjoying your new baby. Without a scratch or two on...
  8. M

    Wanted : KLR hub

    Looking for a hub for a 2008 KLR front wheel. PM if you know of one available.
  9. M


    This should help : There were a lot of issues with the early models - I would avoid a 2010 or older bike - especially a low kilo one as they often haven't been ridden enough to get the problems sorted out under warranty. Later models are...
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    Help needed - BMW does not want to start in the mornings

    Generally yes - on the F800 - no.
  11. M

    Help needed - BMW does not want to start in the mornings

    Agreed - although on the F800, the stator is a very common problem whereas I have very seldom seem an issue with the regulator. D&D - first at least let them quote you once they have identified the problem - you can pay their labour for their expertise (No comments from Dan) and maybe we can...
  12. M

    Help needed - BMW does not want to start in the mornings

    Check connections as mentioned already - battery / earth (most obvious), plug that goes into your starter (see Jugheads post) and on the relay. Problem is still most likely a dicky battery charging system or the starter relay. The stator output looks low. When the bike is running, the F8...
  13. M

    KTM 1190 Adventure spotlight fitment - HOW TO?

    I suppose it does depend on the GPS - my Montana when on, screen bright and charging the battery draws 370mA
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    KTM 1190 Adventure spotlight fitment - HOW TO?

    Agreed, but the power draw to charge a GPS is so low that it probably doesn't make sense to add the complexity of an additional relay - simply power the GPS straight from ACC2.
  15. M

    suspension upgrade on a 2014 f800gsa

    The 800 GSA has WP Suspension  :deal: Almost any bike off the shop floor will benefit from good aftermarket options (especially a KLR).
  16. M

    The Bike Show on IgnitionTV (Ch 189)

    .... and what I 'accidentally' got was Hillbilly!  :imaposer: