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  1. R

    Honda XR 650R 2006 - knot4sale-

    No man! Want to do a Tankwa mission before you sell?
  2. R

    Sertoes 2013 - The 2nd longest rally in the world.

    I wish, but probably not going to be possible  :(
  3. R

    Off-Road "West Coast Baja" 31st August (WCOC)

    Haha, yes, thanks.. That works!
  4. R

    Droomers Yamaha Fun Day

  5. R

    Off-Road "West Coast Baja" 31st August (WCOC)

    I should really get off my ass and do this one. Poor 300 hasn't been ridden for 4/5 months!
  6. R

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Awesome being out there for my 2nd quarry trip. CrossedUp, great leader once again! Good to meet some faces behind the names on the forum too. Will try make it again in a week or two.
  7. R

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    OK great, I know that gate, the one next to the mx track. Not familiar with Richwood area.
  8. R

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Might just be able to join you guys this weekend if all goes to plan.
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    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Haha, yes. That is pretty much what happened. That and a sick daughter. Sorry about that. Hope you had fun, i'm sad I missed out.
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    The Rif mountain range, and Chefchaouen (Hasish capital of the world) is worth going to.
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    Ouarzazate is also great. there is a biker orientated guest house there, and the guy will assist you however he can. He also does tours into the desert.
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    The High Atlas mountain range is great.
  13. R

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    Anybody else keen for a ride tomorrow?
  14. R

    Quarry riding - awesome playpen - be careful of crime and oncoming traffic

    9am? Do you know the tracks there, because I would probably get us lost.