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  1. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes agree. Our WD Kevin ZA , Kevin Thomas whose shock broke said on facebook that " least I managed to finish Stage 1 SS. In my opinion it was equivalent of Amageza 2014 day 1 and 2 combined. Tough Amageza this year. Well done to all the finishers. " Every year there is a big step up and...
  2. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Team Unesco with their winner , Thomas Eich ,who also rode in 2013 , he is a machine .   :ricky: Congratulations Thomas ( 101) and Dave Griffen ( 138)  and Johan Jansen van Rensburg ( 116)   :thumleft: :thumleft:
  3. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Nope , Amageza has become far out of my league.  But I will ride keyboard again .  :ricky:
  4. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    So I wonder if there will be a AmaDoda prize this year ?  I would vote for Joey Evens to win it for riding a Special with two big holes in his tyre and successfully too ,and with a broken back too . I had the pleasure of meeting him at the 2013 Amageza and what a nice, humble guy and what a...
  5. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Couldn't have said it better Kawaki  :ricky: :ricky:
  6. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes that was very inspiring . Pieter took part in Amageza after all . And all the Team 525 guys get medals except for Ian who had bad luck. SO for 5 of them to finish in this the most hectic Amageza to date is a SUPER ACHIEVEMENT . :notworthy: :notworthy:
  7. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes absolutely Big D , agree !  Go BMW  :3some: :ricky: And Peter you certainly did that beautiful machine justice .  :3some: Last pics and then please can someone else take over with updates , I have to somewhere 5 minutes ago . :imaposer:
  8. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Don' t know Big Dom as the prize giving is tonight , so hopefully by then . Some more pics from yesterday .
  9. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Peter How at the end , about to get into a well deserved shower. Well done Peter and esp for yesterday 's fist place for the day  :headbang: :headbang:
  10. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    More from Day 6
  11. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    The photos just keep getting better and better From Day 6
  12. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    The 525 team are all done , and at the end . Just got a pic , AWESOME TEAM 525  :blob3: :blob5: :blob5: :blob7: :blob6: :blob5: :blob3:
  13. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    As far as I can see everyone is finished with the SS  , except for rider 130 who withdrew , think Vernon Anfield . Well done boys :blob1: :blob10: :blob3: :blob5: :blob6: :blob7: :blob8:
  14. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Greg Miller is amazing , to have ridden with that tire to the end of the SS . And to have time to take all those selfies to show us what is going on in the race . From his Team : "Greg arrived. This is how he rode at the end of the stage. Yet he didn't give up!" and earlier : " Greg is...
  15. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks BB . I did read your post . That is why I said I hope he still gets his finishers medal as there are still two very heavy days to go and it would be wonderful if he finishes. Anyway work calls, I will leave you to carry on posting . I don't want to say the wrong thing by mistake .  I...
  16. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Our Scrat , Gerrit Du Toit , 112 ,did well yesterday , such a pity he didn't finish on one of the 1st days due to lack of petrol issues . Hope he still gets a finishers medal as he deserves it !  :thumleft: This is his 5th Amageza , he is the only rider to ride the  Amageza every single year...
  17. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Morning Blue Bull  :biggrin: Thanks for all your awesome posts and pics last night , I loved those Lions pics , jeepers if I had to learn how to ride sand on that road I would have been an ace sand rider by now . I would never have fallen .  :imaposer: :imaposer:
  18. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Buff  :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: Some more pics from the Day 5
  19. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    More Team 525 photos from Day 5 .
  20. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Some more fotos of Team 525 besides Andrew Kamanya Johnstone , 106 are : 111 Adams, Robert 126 Curnow-Baker, Scott  139 Bennetts Justin, our own Jagsding, 146 Bennetts Aidan , Jagsding brother , model and Top Billing Presenter and now ace rider too ! Ian Henderson sadly had bike problems...