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  1. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    BB or someone else can you please post a list with names and numbers it will make it easier . I'm getting battle weary and not remembering race numbers anymore  :imaposer: Some more pics of Day 5 .  :ricky:
  2. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes agree.  :thumleft: :thumleft:  Rallying is also very much a mind-game . Here is what Andrew had said when he was interviewed before the Amageza on Mental Preparation for the Amageza Rally :" There are a few; The biggest I think is being disciplined NOT to race. It is 4500km’s and going...
  3. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Some more pics of yesterday's big drag race .  :biggrin: That 1st pic looks like Vince Cobie , Thomas Eich and Koos.  ( trying to remember race nrs)
  4. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    So Andrew Kamanya was in his element yesterday . A big drag race he called it and he came 7th for the day , and he is now 12th overall , despite losing 2 hours fixing his caps after he crashed into at tree on Day 4, after they got off-track. Those 525's seems to be the business .  And Team 525...
  5. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Its so great that the competitors still have time to communicate with us earthlings .  :3some: One can see Greg Miller is enjoying himself , whilst still riding remarkably well too .  He must have pushed his bike up that Botswana Dune just for the pic as he says they didn't get to ride dunes...
  6. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Greg Miller really impresses me with his riding and his all round good attitude . From his facebook page : " Day 5 of Amageza, had a nerve racking start to the day, I was about to head to the start of liaison at 6am when my teammate Jason Manley noticed oil leaking from the motor, thread had...
  7. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes absolutely .  :thumleft:  I agree,  there is nothing like Rallying . It keeps everyone on their toes all the time,  including us keyboard jockeys  :ricky: BB thanks for the great updates and pics  :thumleft: :thumleft:
  8. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    The photographers are really outstanding again this year. Some nice pics of Kamanya , he seems to be enjoying his smaller 525 but I think he misses his 950 in the longer straighter sections.  It's such a trade off always.
  9. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Sean , the main marshal puts a smile on my face  , he is always gesturing or smiling in his photos .  :biggrin: :biggrin:
  10. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    :laughing4:  Haha that was just me , I can really feel the Rally this year, I have this headacky , shaky feeling that I normally only get in January . This obsession about some unidentified flying objects far away . A niggling worry that everyone is not accounted for and not knowing what is...
  11. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Apology accepted Blue Bull.  :thumleft: It's all cool . We are suffering alongside our comrades.  Keyboard fatigue and Rally fever .  :biggrin: :biggrin:
  12. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    What I said about speeding fines was a joke .  The guys were just fooling around and joking a bit and letting their hair down , but yes I'm sure they are fully aware of the dangers out there.  And yes agree it is still far to ride on smaller bikes . I am not google- earthing , because  I am...
  13. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    So as I understand the guys who are riding and not being trailered are riding 290 km on tar now and following road signs and not tulips so I guess the worse thing that can happen to them today is a speeding fine ? 
  14. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Helene . Donovan apparently got lost yesterday and did 800 km + and probably just ran out of fuel .  He can do that and still continue to take part which he did today , as everyone has one cut and run card . Unfortunately he won't get a finisher's medal , which is such a pity as he was doing so...
  15. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Sorry this thread moving too quickly . Aidan apparently was on Tubliss. His inner bladder burst , not sure why . He used Pratley Steel on the valves to keep them there and he was lucky the tyre stayed on. Very brave man.  Him and Justin are new riders to the Amageza , I think their whole team...
  16. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    :laughing4: :laughing4: Yes at least we can get some work today . Tomorrow will be a monster .  Over 800 km 's of apparently tough stuff. Thanks for the pics Allawyn and XPat  :3some:
  17. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Awesome thanks Allawyn  :thumleft: . I get tears in my eyes reading stuff like this , these guys are legends .  So inspired by these heroic riders .   :3some:
  18. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Do you have any questions for the riders  ? Ask them now.  What do you most want to know?
  19. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes,  and the guys are procrastinating and talking a ton of kak,  because it's tar all the way now.  :imaposer: :imaposer:
  20. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    The Special was shortened to 230 km to get everyone across the border. Special done and dusted for some .  Huge sand road .  They could ride wide open taps. 