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  1. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Drat , she was doing great when I looked earlier , just took a short break and it seems chaos erupted .  Holding thumbs for her and the rest of the guys , they don't need more challenges then they already have .
  2. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Seems Ruan de Langa from Donfords CT is also back at the start  , he also had bike problems on Day 1, but he was riding today .  Such a pity!  he is such a fine rider and its his first Amageza . Still hoping Kamanya can sort out his bike or hoping that maybe his tracker is broken and not the...
  3. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Kudos to Minxy for holding her own with these fast guys in the toughest Amageza to date .  :salut: :salut: As Terésa Coetzee said " Barbara is 'n vrou met staal in haar pype . " :thumleft: :thumleft...
  4. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Team 525 seems to be amongst the middle to front runners which is excellent ( except for Ian who had a DNF for bike problems) But Kamanya is at the back with Alex now ?
  5. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Last night's prep at Team Subtech's quarters . Peter :" Awesome pits set up by legend seconders. Toti managed to wheelspin the power cable broken on his way is.. otherwize all good" :imaposer:
  6. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    From Peter How's facebook page. He seems mystified that he was interviewed for Botswana TV. I am not surprised , he is one of the heroes of Amageza.
  7. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    There wasn't time to report back , everybody would have been busy adjusting their road books and then rushing to do final prep and start riding again. Before the meeting they did say the route would be shortened today to 500 km , incl the SS, no news since then.
  8. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks Wiledog . :thumleft: From the article Deur  Terésa Coetzee : "Volgens Gavin Morton, een van die voorste ryers tydens die skof, het Sondag harde werk geverg, veral omdat hy sommer al binne die eerste 100 m van die beginpunt af geval het. “Dit was ’n besonderse lang eerste skof en...
  9. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Update via Gerrit Scrat via Tour. He and Claude are fine. The guys are going in to rider's briefing but for now news are that Alex has shortened today to 500 km all in.  The Special Stage also shorter. The guys said the Navigation was extremely difficult which affected them badly, but they...
  10. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    :laughing4: :laughing4: :imaposer:
  11. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks Mrs Chris that's good to know.  :thumleft: Thanks guys for the welcome . :3some: From Amageza facebook : " Amageza is drawing huge attention this year. Trying to keep you posted and updated as much possible but travelling through Africa has its difficulties. Be patient we will bring you...
  12. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks Tour  :thumleft: Shew that was late to get back. Ps tell Gerrit to put on his tracker.  ;D
  13. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks for the updates BB . This year's race is tough on us spectators also ! BB : re Gerrit du Toit , our Tour said a few pages back that he had spoken to Gerrit at about 5 pm yesterday. I think they only had 400 km or so to do. Gerrit is riding with Claude Deyzel so I presume his tracker...
  14. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    have you got a 990 now? KLR gone? Yip. The 990 has better brakes  ;D
  15. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes I was thinking the same thing. Rode 14 hours. Manage to have fun in the sand. Serviced bike . Put a pic and an update on facebook and answer fan mail.  Tomorrow get up and repeat.  That's impressive.  :ricky:
  16. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Just got a message from Peter How. He says the sand was fun, but the 400 km on tar wasn't. No fun having to duck donkeys in the dark. Its been a very long day ,but guys are still out there riding. Hectic. These riders make Chuck Norris look tame.
  17. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Peter How posted that Team Subtech is in. All very buggered. Long day. Chaos out there.
  18. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Thanks guys and hello.  :3some: I seem to have lost my previous name so just added a T. This Amageza is hectic ! I really feel for the riders out there. Thanks for the updates. Its edge of the seat exciting this year. .
  19. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Yes I did search for him and his Nr, but I don't see him anywhere Hopefully his tracker broke and he is still riding with Claude Deyzel
  20. R

    2015 Amageza Rally - Official WD Thread

    Where is Scrat? Gerrit du Toit. Nr 112?