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  1. Heron@OverlandGarage

    PTA ride this weekend?

    Thank you for sharing the GPX file. I recently finished restoring my R1200GS I bought from salvage auction and would like to take it for a ride, but I am still a new rider so not too technical ride will do if someone would like to go for a ride please let me know.
  2. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Thank you so much for the messages. It is nice to know i am not alone, good to be part of the forum where we can share the passion and get help when getting stuçk
  3. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    After selling the first GS which turned out great I just bought two more BMW GS bikes from auction and now I need to restore them and if all goes well i may just be able to keep one of them (but the wife still needs a lot of work before she will agree), hopefully it is not too expensive or...
  4. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Die gereedskap en garage verf is nou nie ingereken in my 20% wins nie maar gelukkig het ek dit als nog so ek kan dit vir die volgende motorfiets ook weer gebruik en darm het ek nou ook n helmet wat ek ook weer kan gebruik, maar as jy die hele som met helmet en tools en garage verf inreken het ek...
  5. Heron@OverlandGarage

    I just bought two broken BMW GS bikes at auction and already love them!

    After selling the first GS which turned out great I just bought two more BMW GS bikes from auction and now I need to restore them and if all goes well i may just be able to keep one of them (but the wife still needs a lot of work before she will agree), hopefully it is not too expensive or...
  6. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Jip die een in die video is verkoop binne 'n week en is noy besig met die tweede een, wat baie smart gaan wees..amper klaar
  7. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    MIskien moet ek haar ook dan maar n nommer gee... vrou 1..:-)
  8. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Dented Exhaust

    Here is a picture...
  9. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Dented Exhaust

    I Just fixed two similar dents but much bigger which were in my BMW R1200 GSA exhaust headers by simply removing it from the bike and then I filled it with water and placed it in a box freezer overnight and the next day (yesterday morning) woke up and to my surprise, the dents were 95% gone...
  10. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Ek sien jy is ook in Pretoria Dit sal great wees om saam jou te kan ry, ek is nou besig om die tweede motorfiets reg te maak, en as hy klaar is laat weet ek jou dan ry ons. Ek het baie om te leer
  11. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Ek dink ek sal moet vir properse opleiding gaan, want hy het baie krag
  12. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Dankie, het my naam by gesit..skuus ek leer nog hoe werk die forum, dis baie nuut vir my.. dankie Groete Heron (Pretoria)
  13. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Rebuild of the 2014 BMW R1200 GS I bought at salvage auction

    Hi all, my name is Heron from Pretoria and I am new to the forum and adventure biking in general. I did the unthinkable. I bought a broken bike :) But before you judge me for buying a bike on auction, please kindly consider that for me it was the only way I could afford a BMW R1200 GS, which is...
  14. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Black or Gold rims?

    Please help me out :-) I am a bit new to the forum, not sure what the "AT" stands for?
  15. Heron@OverlandGarage

    1200gs - dented Exhaust Header - fixable?

    I tried the freezer method of taking off the header pipes on my BMW R1200 GSA and filled it with water and left it in the freezer overnight and it worked! I'll add some before and after pictures. I did not think it would work, but it did. Very easy to do.
  16. Heron@OverlandGarage

    Black or Gold rims?

    I am a bit on the fence, and because I know I may sometimes be a bit impulsive, I would ask for some 2nd opinions before perhaps spoiling the look of my bike. I am considering Gold rims but not too sure I will still like it after a while. What would you choose? Black or Gold rims?
  17. Heron@OverlandGarage

    New to adventure riding and to the forum

    Jip, it's just my little side hobby, loving every moment of it
  18. Heron@OverlandGarage

    New to adventure riding and to the forum

    Thank you, much appreciated