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  1. L

    Botswana & Caprivi Strip - June 2016

    Awesome Thanks everyone! Anyone stayed at Stevensford Game Reserve near the border? How are those roads?
  2. L

    Botswana & Caprivi Strip - June 2016

    Haha Xpat - she can handle it  ;)  She enjoyed the "Chris Birch in disguise comment"! We've read through all your trip reports and checked out some of your videos. Awesome stuff! Makes us so excited!!! If you do end up going in Easter please give us an update on that Mababe road. Still...
  3. L

    Botswana & Caprivi Strip - June 2016

    Haha, mtbbiker - That's what we're hoping for!  :o I'm trying to get some solid info on crossing the "buffalo fence" at Sherobe. Some say you can, some say you cant. I've seen a video of a guy riding through there by bike, but that was a few years back. I see online, a few bike tours go to...
  4. L

    Botswana & Caprivi Strip - June 2016

    Here's the rough map...
  5. L

    Botswana & Caprivi Strip - June 2016

    Hi, My wife (chief planner) has asked a few random questions about our route, but I thought I would post the entire trip here. Ay feedback, advise, input would be great! We're shipping our bike from CT to JHB. Leaving JHB on the 1st June. Riding KTM1190r, 1 bike with pillion. Day 1: JHB -...
  6. L

    Spots for F800GS

    Try extreme lighting, they have an online store as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk